Declaration of the Banua Press Consortium to Guard Development

BANJARMASIN – A number of journalist organizations which are constituents of the Press Council have formed the Banua Press Consortium. The declaration was held on Thursday (22/6) morning at the ULM Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Seminar Building in Banjarmasin.


The organizations are the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI), the Indonesian Television Journalists Association (IJTI), the Indonesian Cyber ​​Media Network (JMSI), the Indonesian Cyber ​​Media Union (SMSI) and the Indonesian National Private Radio Association (PRSSNI) of South Kalimantan.

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“We welcome the establishment of ii. Which is an agreement with journalist organizations in South Kalimantan,” said the Chairman of the South Kalimantan Indonesian Cyber ​​Media Union (SMSI), Anang Fadhilah, after the declaration.


The Chief Editor of hopes that there will still be journalism practices that ignore the code of ethics. So the presence of this organization is expected to answer that problem. “For this reason, the role of the Banua press is needed in overseeing regional development and the upcoming 2024 elections. So that it doesn’t go out of order,” he said

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Anang wants the press in Banua to be smart and professional, so that they can take part in overseeing elections and regional development properly. Because of that this agreement is not only about journalist education but also how journalists contribute to the region.

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“We want a healthy, professional and dignified press,” he explained.


Regarding the election, Anang appealed to journalists to act professionally and independently. “Don’t discredit either party. Journalists must report with facts, let alone opinions,” said the editor of online media in English,

