FGD of Two Governor Agreed on Central Point of Bangka-Sumatera Bridge Construction

Pangkalpinang – Governor of Bangka Belitung Island, Erzaldi Rosman, along with Governor of South Sumatra, Herman Daru, follow Focus Group Discussion (FGD) about planning in building Sumatra – Bangka Belitung bridge in Pasar Padi Meeting room at Official Office of Bangka Belitung Island Governor, Thursday (17/9)

Sebagin village in Simpang Rimba sub-distrct of Bangka Selatan district village in province of Bangka Belitung island with Tanjung Tapak village ini sub-district Air Sugihan sub-district of Ogan Komering Ilir District in South Sumatra province approved as first point in building Sumatera – Bangka Belitung bridge.

Erzaldi Rosman explained same of alternatives locations for the footprint bridge as an investor attraction at once to Herman Daru Governor. Those alternative points are result from studies of government province of Bangka Belitung island.

Bangka Belitung Island said that he is appreciated to this agreement because the result of this agreement is to prosperous both for Bangka Belitung people and South Sumatera people. Construction of this bridge would elevate people warfare.

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“This joint effort is for the benefit of both province and for people welfare” Erzaldi explained

After this agreement, each of province hope to accelerate administration process, location determination, environmental impact analysis, and land acquisition.

Erzaldi added that the result of this agreement will be reported to ministry to be make as part of National Strategic Program.

The presence of Herman Daru Governor in Bangka Belitung is proof of seriousness for both province

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Meanwhile Herman Daru Governor said that this is an important event for both province. Each government agree on speed up economic development and get closer distance by building a bridge

“To be important is today we are agree on foot print location in Tanjung Tapak for South Sumatra and Sebagin for Bangka Belitung” Daru explained

Hope that the existence of new bridge will be a new spirit for enterpreneur actors in South Sumatra and Bangka Belitung