Floating Market Will Reopen

Banjarmasin – Banjarmasin City Government will open a Floating Market tour following the decline in COVID-19 cases in the city. The Floating Market tour is in front of the siring of the Martapura River, Central Banjarmasin. There are also river tours by boat or “kelotok”. “Because the COVID-19 case has decreased and there is no more red zone status, we are ready to open a Floating Market tour,” said Head of Banjarmasin City Culture and Tourism Office Ikhsan Al-Haq in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, Saturday (14/7/2020).

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Ikhsan emphasized that before opening the Floating Market, the government will equip local traders and tourism players regarding the COVID-19 health protocol. “We do this so that the motorists of the tourist group and “acil-acil” (mothers) traders of the Floating Market can understand how to implement health protocols when the mainstay of the city of a thousand rivers has opened,” he said.

He explained that the government had coordinated the plan to open the tour with the Banjarmasin COVID-19 Handling Acceleration Task Force.

“It’s just a verbal coordination. It will carry the official coordination out soon, in the next one or two days,” he explained.

If approved by the Task Force, he ensures that he will cooperate with the UPT Siring and the COVID-19 Banjarmasin Task Force. “The point is, in our supervision we will cooperate with elements of the TNI-Polri and Satpol-PP of Banjarmasin City,” he said.

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Ikhsan explained that strict supervision at tourist attractions, siring and river tracing is an effort by the City Government so that COVID-19 does not occur in tourist attractions. “We don’t want tourism in Banjarmasin to become a new cluster in the spread of COVID-19,” he concluded.

Anang Fadhilah