Indonesian Forum for the Environment (Walhi) South Kalimantan Rejects False Solutions

Banjarmasin – The South Kalimantan Forum for the Environment responded to the statement of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia at COP 26.

Momentum COP 26 South Kalimantan Walhi expressed his position and urged the Government of the Republic of Indonesia as follows:

1. Reject market mechanism-based carbon trading practices; 2. Make the discussion of Loss and Damage due to the climate crisis an urgent agenda; 3. Accelerate the phasing out of coal-fired power plants before 2030 and stop fake climate solutions; 4. Save coastal areas and small islands from the impact of the climate crisis; 5. Conduct a rights-based negotiation approach for indigenous peoples, youth groups, women and the right to a good and healthy environment.

The Indonesian Forum for the Environment (Walhi) of South Kalimantan together with institutional members, friends of walhi and strategic networks unfurled the #SaveMeratus banner and stance on the threat of climate change in the Barito River, Friday 5 November 2021.

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The Conference of the Parties (COP) is an annual high forum for 197 countries to discuss climate change and discuss plans by world countries in tackling climate change. This time the 26th COP will be held from 31 October to 12 November 2021 in Glasgow, Scotland.

Walhi regretted Jokowi’s statement at COP 26. After that, the tweet from the Minister of Environment and Forestry, Siti Nurbaya Bakar, on Twitter also sparked controversy. Walhi realizes that climate change occurs systematically and not without cause.

In South Kalimantan alone, half of the land area has been controlled or has an extractive industry permit. If linked, this haphazard form of licensing is the upstream of climate change. Deforestation or deforestation, the conversion of forest areas has become a real source of carbon release so quickly.

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The forests that we used to be proud of as the lungs of the world are now gone, forest and land fires are suspected to be a close part of the massive expansion of palm oil companies. The number of mining pits without reclamation is also damaging the world’s lungs.

The burden of extracting industry permits and other permits has taken more than 50 percent of the total area of ​​South Kalimantan with an area of ​​3.7 million hectares hostage. The licensing costs include 1.17 million hectares or 31.20 percent of mineral and coal, 207,477 hectares or 5.55 percent of plantation (palm) concessions, 754,702 hectares or 20.19 percent of Timber Forest Product Utilization Business Permits (IUPHHK).

The findings of the South Kalimantan Walhi in 2019 are alleged to have recommended the release of a forest area or swap over an area of ​​17,113.53 hectares for the benefit of large-scale oil palm plantation corporations in two regencies in South Kalimantan.

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This haphazard practice of releasing forest areas to corporations increases the potential for friction between forest farming communities and companies. As we all know, last October to be exact on Thursday, (21/10).

Jokowi inaugurated a private palm oil biofuel factory, which is suspected to be the source of palm oil produced, which has triggered many agrarian conflicts and criminalized journalists and activists. Jokowi should be aware that the power of corporations is not to be feared, but instead corporations must submit to the state in the name of state sovereignty and Pancasila.

Anang Fadhilah