President: 1.2 Million Doses of Covid-19 Vaccine Arrived in Indonesia

Covid-19 vaccine made by Sinovac, which arrived at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport on Sunday night, December 6, 2020, was immediately taken to the Bio Farma Head Office in Bandung (Photo: Muchlis Jr - Presidential Secretariat)

Jakarta – The government has received a total of 1.2 million doses of the Covid-19 vaccine made by Sinovac that were clinically tested in Bandung since last August. This number will continue to increase in line with the needs for handling a pandemic in Indonesia.

“Today the government has received 1.2 million doses of the vaccine to prevent Covid-19. This vaccine is made by Sinovac, which we have been testing clinically in Bandung since last August,” said President Joko Widodo on Sunday, December 6, 2020, as broadcast on the YouTube channel, Sekretariat Presiden.

The government is also working on so that by early January 2021, as many as 1.8 million doses of other vaccines can be imported. This is certainly good news for the community.

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In addition to vaccines in finished form, the government will also bring in 15 million doses of vaccine in raw materials this month. Meanwhile, next January, as many as 30 million doses of vaccine will be in the form of raw materials which will be further processed by Bio Farma as a state-owned vaccine producer.

“We are very grateful, thank God that the vaccine is available. This means that we can prevent the spread of the Covid-19 outbreak. However, starting vaccination still requires steps from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM),” said the President.

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The Head of State emphasized that all scientific procedures in preparation for vaccination must be passed properly to ensure public health and safety and increase the effectiveness of the Covid-19 vaccine. Later, scientific considerations and the final results of clinical trials will determine when the Covid-19 vaccination can be carried out.

In addition, the President reminded relevant officials about the preparation for distribution of these vaccines to the regions. Supporting matters such as equipment, human resources, and vaccination management are very important to be prepared immediately.

“We know that it has been prepared since several months ago through simulations in several provinces. I am sure, after it has been decided that vaccination starts, everything is ready,” he said.

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However, the geographical condition of Indonesia which is so large and wide-spread makes it impossible for the government to vaccinate simultaneously. To that end, the President invited all parties to continue in monitor and follow the instructions and information that the government will provide.

“Finally, even though there are vaccines, we still have to be disciplined in implementing health protocols. Stay disciplined in 3M (wearing masks, keeping your distance, and washing your hands). May God Almighty bless us to pass the test of this epidemic,” he said.