UID-Gajah Tunggal Expands the Coverage of Vaccination Centers to 33 Districts in Kalimantan

KOTABARU – South Kalimantan Governor Sahbirin Noor Friday afternoon (05/11) visited the vaccination center at the TNI-AL Base on North Laut Island, Kotabaru Regency organized by the Indonesian Efforts Damai Foundation or also known as United in Diversity (UID) and the Indonesian Foundation for All (YIUS). This center is one of the points of the expansion of the UID-YIUS mass vaccination coverage to the island of Kalimantan which is supported by Gajah Tunggal, PT Bukit Baiduri Energi, PT Indexim Coalindo, PT Pelsart Tambang Kencana, PT Indo Muro Kencana, PT Kasongan Bumi Kencana, and PT Khotai Makmur. Eternal Man.

The scope of the UID-YIUS social mission in Kalimantan will entirely cover 33 sub-districts, which are divided into the provinces of East Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan and South Kalimantan. The vaccination center activities have been ongoing since Tuesday (02/11) in West Kotawaringin and Katingan, Central Kalimantan, as well as in East Kutai, East Kalimantan and in Kotabaru, South Kalimantan.

The Governor of South Kalimantan, Sahbirin Noor, in his remarks at the vaccination center at the Mako Lanal Kotabaru complex, expressed his gratitude to PT Pelsart Tambang Kencana for donating 20,000 doses of vaccine to Kotabaru Regency. He also expressed his appreciation to the Kotabaru Regent who has promoted vaccinations in all his regions.

The governor said there was no need to be afraid of running out of vaccine supplies. Because it can ask again to the provincial government. According to the Governor, President Joko Widodo after returning from inaugurating the Sei Alalak bridge, Banjarmasin (21/10) has sent another 200 thousand doses of vaccine to South Kalimantan. “What’s his message? Spend it, spend it, spend it. This is for the immunity of our people in the face of Covid-19”.

The governor hopes that the vaccination target in South Kalimantan, which is now more than 40 percent, can reach 60 to 70 percent by the end of the year as the President expects. “Believe and believe that what the government is doing is protecting its people so that they can survive in the face of Covid-19.

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During the review, the Governor was accompanied by the Regional Secretary of Kotabaru Regency H. Said Akhmad and elements of the Regional Leadership Coordination Forum. On that occasion, Muliawan Margadana, representing PT Pelsart Tambang Kencana, symbolically handed over a grant of 20,000 doses of vaccine from PT Pelsart Tambang Kencana through the Efforts Indonesia Damai Foundation and the Indonesia Foundation for All, to Kotabaru Regency.

The Head of UID Trustees, Tuti Hadiputranto, said that the establishment of vaccination centers for UID and YIUS had been going on since early September aimed at various cities in Java, Bali, Sumatra and Kalimantan to bring vaccination services closer to the community. This program collaborates with the Ministry of Health, local government, health services, health centers as well as TNI and Polri agencies to support the Government’s efforts to accelerate the rate of vaccination, as well as to encourage equitable distribution of targets across Indonesia.

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Muliawan Margadana, representing Gajah Tunggal and the sponsoring companies, expressed his gratitude for the government’s encouragement and appreciation for the collaboration with the business world in their joint work to expand vaccination coverage and accelerate the rate of vaccination. “Activities carried out in partnership with private parties that support facilities and infrastructure, vaccinator personnel, and mobilize the community have been assessed by the Government as very effective in accelerating the achievement of vaccination targets”.

The implementation of the UID-YIUS vaccination center in Kalimantan runs parallel to the same activity currently taking place in Jakarta, Karawang, Tangerang, Bali. Both for dose-1 and dose-2 vaccination.

Anang Fadhilah