Nanda Febryan Pratamajaya the Interim Head of the Banjarmasin Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Banjarmasin – The results of the plenary meeting attended by the management of the Banjarmasin City Chamber of Commerce, Thursday night (6/24/2021) appointed Nanda Febryan Pratamajaya ST MT as the interim head of the Banjarmasin City Chamber of Commerce.

“Alhamdulillah, all members of the Banjarmasin City Kadin who were present at the plenary meeting decided the Deputy Chair for Organizational Development, Associations and the Banjarmasin City Kadin Association, Nanda Febryan, as temporary officials, to replace Efendi Nur Ifansyah,” said the Deputy General Chair for Organization, Membership and Regional Empowerment.

Kadin of South Kalimantan H Wijaya Kusuma Prawirakarsa Wijaya, who is also the former coordinator of the Banjarmasin City Chamber of Commerce, said that with the appointment of Nanda as a temporary official, the organization that oversees these business actors was asked to implement the work program that had been prepared so far. Nanda Febryan Pratamajaya expressed his readiness to carry out the mandate and promised to carry out the work program that had been designed.

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“Bismilah, we are ready to carry out this mandate and carry out our duties with full responsibility,” he said.

Meanwhile, the management of the Banjarmasin City Chamber of Commerce welcomes the decision letter (SK) to cancel the South Kalimantan Kadin Decree regarding the dismissal of the Banjarmasin City, Banjar and Tanah Laut District Kadin officials. The letter signed by the Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for OKP, Anindya R Bakrie, dated June 21, 2021, numbered 495/DPV/2021, was addressed to the General Chairperson of the Central Kadin, Rosan Perkasa Roesiani and copied to the WKU of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Central Indonesia and the Executive Director of Kadin Indonesia .

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“Thank God, the Central Kadin has canceled the decision (SK) to cancel the South Kalimantan Kadin Decree regarding the dismissal of the Kadin management of Banjarmasin City, Banjar Regency and Tanah Laut. Thus, the position of chairperson of the Banjarmasin City Chamber of Commerce is returned to Efendi Nur Ifansyah,” said South Kalimantan H Wijaya Kusuma Prawira Karsa.

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Wijaya said, because the chairperson of Banjarmasin Kadin Efendi Nur Ifansyah is busy with his business, so the position of chairperson is requested to be handed over to the Deputy Chair for Organizational Development, Associations and Association of Banjarmasin Kadin, Nanda Febryan as a temporary official, to replace Efendi Nur Ifansyah.

“The results of the plenary meeting of members of the Banjarmasin Kadin, who wanted Nanda Febryan as his successor strengthened it,” he said.

writer: anang fadhilah