Profile of the Chairperson of MUI in 2020 Miftachul Akhyar, Initiator of Pandemic Zoning

KH Miftachul Akhyar

Jakarta – The Indonesian Ulama Council or MUI has just chosen the composition of its management for the 2020-2025 period in the National Conference (Munas) X. The Chairperson of the 2020 MUI elected KH Miftahul Achyar will lead the organization in the next five years.

The Minister of Religion, Fachrul Razi, congratulated the charismatic religious figure who is also the caretaker of the Miftachus Sunnah Islamic Boarding School, Surabaya. KH Miftahul Achyar replaces Vice President Ma’ruf Amin to lead the 45-year-old institution.

“Congratulations on the election of KH Miftachul Akhyar as General Chair of the MUI for the 2020-2025 period. Congratulations to all the new MUI administrators,” said the Minister of Religion in a release received by detikcom on Friday (27/11/2020).

The Minister of Religion also reminded the MUI’s very strategic role in strengthening religious moderation according to the 2020-2024 RPJMN. The government will then work together with MUI in various religious moderation programs.

“Harmony is the main capital of development. Ministry of Religion will synergize with MUI and other religious organizations in maintaining harmony and strengthening religious moderation in Indonesia,” said the Minister of Religion.

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The elected chairman of the MUI 2020, KH Miftachul Akhyar, is a senior religious figure born in 1953 who is currently the caretaker of the Miftachus Sunnah Islamic Boarding School, Surabaya.

The son of the caretaker of the Tahsinul Akhlaq Rangkah Islamic Boarding School, KH Abdul Ghoni, currently still holds the position of Rais’ Aam, the National Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) for the 2018-2020 period.

The elected chairman of the 2020 MUI, KH Miftachul Akhyar, was recorded as having been a student at the Tambak Beras Islamic Boarding School, Sidogiri Islamic Boarding School (East Java), Lasem Islamic Boarding School, Central Java, and participating in the Sayyid Muhammad bin Alawi Al-Makki Al-Maliki Islamic Boarding School in Malang city.

In the detikcom news archive, it was said that the elected chairman of the MUI 2020, KH Miftachul Akhyar, stole the attention when emphasizing the importance of mapping the zone of the spread of the corona virus. Mapping related to worship guidelines in the month of Ramadan during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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“If the government needs to open the COVID-19 zone map, it is specified down to the village level. In order to see which are the green, yellow, and red zones,” said the elected Chairman of MUI 2020, KH Miftachul Akhyar, few days ago.

According to the elected Chair of the 2020 MUI, KH Miftachul Akhyar, only the government could explain the details of the spread of COVID-19. Mapping helps people not to get confused when they want to perform worship in congregation or alone.

The Chairperson of the 2020 MUI, elected KH Miftachul Akhyar, also said that the mapping would avoid public prejudice against the government. Prejudice related to enforcement of practices that should be carried out during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Later, there are those who are suspicious. Worried about wasting our religious deeds. Don’t blame it if the zoning is not mapped,” said the elected General Chairman of MUI 2020, KH Miftachul Akhyar.

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As the elected Chair of the 2020 MUI, KH Miftachul Achyar reminded MUI’s duty as the bearer of prophetic messages. In this message, the most important thing is to maintain the virtue and moral improvement of Muslims.

“MUI must establish itself as a guardian of morals and become a role model for the good of the nation,” said the chairman of MUI 2020 elected KH Miftachul Achyar as quoted from the MUI website.

Ulama morality will be a factor in the emergence of blessings for the people and the nation, especially during the crisis. The Chairperson of the 2020 MUI elected KH Miftachul Achyar explained, the form of moral perfection that is to be achieved is to consistently (istiqomah) preach Islamic values that are comfortable and unifying.

Anang Fadhilah