Purun Handicrafts from South Kalimantan Goes International

BANJARBARU – Purun handicrafts from South Kalimantan are not only enjoyed by local residents, but have gone global.

Various trade promotion activities have been followed by many MSME players who are in purun weaving as the focus of the product being promoted.

As stated by one of the UMKM players who decorate purun bags, Ema Yuliati.

According to Ema, the exhibition that will also bring his crafts to the largest art festival in ASEAN countries, INACRAFT.

Kampung Purun is a village in Palam Village, Cempaka District, Banjarbaru City, South Kalimantan Province (Kalsel).

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Several residents’ houses in Kampung Purun galleries to showcase the work of the local community. We sell various types of handicrafts in galleries in this village.

Kampung Purun is a tourist area as a thematic village, which is favored as a tourist village area in the City of Banjarbaru.

This area is called purun village because many purun plants live in the swamps behind the houses of local residents.

Local residents use the existence of the purun into various handicrafts with various types of handicrafts.

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It is formed because of the large number of puruns in the region that grow and are processed into various processed handicraft products made from purun.

Kampung Purun is still beautiful and every day there are craftworkers making various types of handicraft products from the purun village at home Teras, both making purun bags, bottle holders, purun hats, small bags, pot holders and various other crafts.

These handicrafts are an order from customers and are made to be displayed in residents’ homes which galleries to show off their products to visitors.

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Over time, this area has become a thematic village tour that offers natural destinations. This village also offers original products from purun and local wisdom of local residents.

Kampung Purun is still being polished and arranged, so it remains a destination village visited by tourists.

Kampung Purun not only presents natural village destinations but also presents making purun crafts so they can become educational tours. Many visitors, who can see firsthand making this purun craft.
