Medan – Deputy Governor of North Sumatra, Ijeck, discussed handling of floating net cages in Lake Toba with Regional Research Council at Balitbang Hall, North Sumatra, Wednesday (7/10)
It is hoped that the suggestion from the Regional Representative Council of North Sumatra would be of help for the provincial government as well as for the ministry regarding the handling of floating net cages (Keramba Jangka Apung) which has been plaguing Lake Toba for a while.
“Lake Toba is one of God’s gifts that need to be maintained and preserved by all parties in this region,” said the Deputy Governor. “For this reason, the Provincial Government of North Sumatra is currently accepting all suggestion and recommendations from everyone, including the North Sumatra academia.”

Furthermore, the government will also team up with district and governments city around the Lake Toba area as well as related ministries. This is to ensure the synergy in tackling the floating net cages in the lake.
“Lake Toba is a source of life for a lot of people. Hence, education on the preservation of Toba Lake is imperative so that it lasts for our children and grandchildren later,” he added.
Meanwhile, Tohar Suhartono, Deputy Chairman II of the Regional Research Council of North Sumatra, explained some of issues that have been discussed by council. The main problem is the amount of floating net cages production has exceeded the standards set by the North Sumatra Provincial Government, through the Governor’s Decree Number 188.4 / 213 / KPTS / 2017 regarding the pollution load capacity and carrying capacity for aquaculture of Lake Toba, which is 10,000 tons per year.

Declining in the carrying capacity of lake water and water quality is due to a large number of activities in Lake Toba aquaculture along with the marine cage cultivation that has developed outside the zone that has been determined by President Regulation No. 81/2014 concerning the Spatial Plan for Lake Toba and its surroundings.
“It also disturbs the function and beauty of Lake Toba as a touristic area and as a source of water for local people who still consume the lake water directly,” added Tohar.
Additionally, he mentioned several possible solutions in dealing with floating net cages that have been discussed by the research council. Marine cage cultivation activities must be environmentally friendly, and they must have certificates of Good and Correct Fish Cultivation Method, from the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries as well as from International Institutions, with thorough water quality examinations stipulated by government regulations.
Furthermore, the location of the net cages must be in accordance with the Regional Spatial Plan about waters of Lake Toba by each of the 7 (seven) districts around Lake Toba. Furthermore, there needs to be a dissemination of improvement and understanding of fishing communities on aspects of advantages and disadvantages of floating net cages and introducing other alternative activities, which are no less beneficial as a substitute for them.
“Apart from that, there needs to be consistency and rigor in every existing regulation, be it environmental or tourism issues and there should be no overlapping regulations, ” said Tohar.
“The problem involves many parties, starting from the community, entrepreneurs to the local government. For that, the handling must be integrated,” said Regional Research Council Coordinator for Agriculture and Forestry, Basyarudin. “Maybe we need social and cultural research before taking action,” he added.