SAFEnet Provides Digital Security Training for Critical Groups in South Kalimantan

BANJARMASINSoutheast Asia Freedom of Expression Network/SAFEnet — an organization that fights to protect citizens’ digital rights. Shared his knowledge with 15 critical group participants such as activists, journalists, civil society organizations, the media, and others in the city of Banjarmasin.

For two days Monday-Tuesday (13-14/3/2023) the participants are a critical group that is vulnerable to this digital attack. The five SAFEnet instructors are Anton Muhajir, Nike Andaru, Syaifullah, Diananta Putera Sumedi and Princess Keket. Providing personal digital security material and how to save digital assets for this critical group.

“Digital asset security must be fought for its relevance to everyday life, namely the right to feel safe, freedom of expression and internet access,” said Anton Muhajir.

Anton said, the public needs to increase awareness and understanding of the importance of holistic security which includes physical, digital and psychosocial security.

The rise of hate speech and massive digital attacks underlies the importance of concentrating on digital security. “Whoever, especially for people who belong to a critical group,” said this senior journalist who lives in Denpasar, Bali. “Why must be defended? Because there is a violation of digital rights,” he said.

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SAFEnet instructors are Anton Muhajir, Nike Andaru, Syaifullah, Diananta Putera Sumedi and Princess Keket .

Nike Andaru said internet access violations occurred because there was a gap in internet access. In big cities like Jakarta there are still blank spots, in Banjarmasin there are also blank spots. Violation of basic digital rights also occurs against freedom of expression which is then associated with the ITE Law. “In the end, many civil society organizations advocated for the government to revise the law. There is supervision by the virtual police,” he explained.

The form of the attack, continued Nike, can be both smooth and rough. For example fishing through messages such as email, DM and others. Then wiretapping, also hacking. In other cases, DDoS attacks flood the target server with bots so they can’t access it. There are also Robocalls, namely repeated calls from unknown numbers, and SMS Masking using sophisticated technology by sending messages on behalf of the target of the attack.

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Subtle attacks such as doxing, namely the disclosure of the target’s personal data for the purpose of defaming or dropping credibility. Then trolling with myerbu in the comments column. In addition to impersonating or creating dummy accounts of attack targets, as well as criminalization. Based on reports, WhatsApp, IG, website, telegram etc.

“That’s why digital security is so important. People without realizing their digital assets are being attacked. In fact, it could be that the attack came from us. Do not let ourselves become a gap to attack others, let alone attack ourselves, “he explained.

Banjarmasin SAFEnet digital training participants. (anang)
Banjarmasin SAFEnet digital training participants. (anang)

The same thing was said by Syaifullah, contacts on cellphones, data in e-mail, and social media were targets for other people to abuse. For this reason, the basic strategies that can be implemented are reducing digital footprints, controlling data that has been accessed, protecting assets and identities.
“Our valuable access is contact access, don’t let us hold other people’s contacts instead become an opening for attack,” he said.

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Another basic strategy is hiding from tracking, choosing safe programs and applications, not using pirated applications and understanding all the risks of the applications used.

The personal and contextual definition of security for each person is different. Safe for Person A, not necessarily for Person B. However, prevention is better than recovery. So it’s important to understand and learn about device cleaning, account security, and communication security.

“When it happened, I realized. We do not know then hacked. Maybe we can control our account again, but we never know what has been taken from our account,” he said.
