The Covid-19 Task Force Improves Regulations for Travelers

JAKARTA – The Covid-19 Task Force refined the regulations for travelers by implementing an addendum to Circular No. 3/2020, in particular tighten supervision of the arrival of travelers from Britain, Europe and Australia.

The decision was taken just three days after the circular governing health protocols for the Christmas and New Year holidays came into effect. As anticipation, the government also provides 17 hotels with a capacity of 3,570 rooms as independent isolation places.

“This addendum is an addition to Circular No. 3/2020 which specifically regulates travelers from abroad to Indonesia. We want to anticipate better at the international arrival gate, including providing RT-PCR test facilities and self-isolation places, ”said the Covid-19 Task Force spokesperson in a press release, Wednesday (23/12).

He said that this addition was made to respond to the very fast dynamics related to the development of the Corona virus. “Has found a new variant of SARS-CoV-2 in the UK, namely
SARS-CoV-2 VUI 202012/01 and the increasing spread in Europe and Australia. So, additional provisions are needed to protect the Indonesian people from transmission from abroad. ”

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With this situation, foreigners from the UK, either directly or transiting in foreign countries, cannot enter Indonesian territory. As for foreigners and Indonesian citizens from the European region and Australia and Indonesian citizens from the UK who enter Indonesia, either directly or transiting in a foreign country, must show negative results of the RT-PCR test in the country of origin which is valid a maximum of 2 x 24 hours before departure time.

According to Wiku, if the results of the RT-PCR reexamination at the time of arrival show negative results, then, the Indonesian citizen will quarantine for five days from the date of arrival at
special quarantine accommodation provided by the government.

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“Foreigners carry out self-quarantine at hotels that have been determined by the government at their own expense. Especially for heads of foreign representatives and families who work in Indonesia, quarantine can be done at their respective residences, ”he said.

Other foreign diplomats carry out self-quarantine for five days in places provided by the government. After quarantine for five days from the date of arrival, the RTPCR is retested and if the result is negative, the traveler is allowed to continue his journey in Indonesia.

Previously, Wiku said this provision was part of an effort to tackle the transmission of Covid-19. Previous holiday experiences, he said, were always followed by an increase in the number of cases of Covid-19 transmission in various parts of Indonesia. Circular No.3 / 2020 is valid from 19 December 2020 to 8 January 2021.

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“In principle, this regulation is formed to limit mobility which can increase the chance of transmission as well as be responsive to the phenomenon of virus mutations in several countries in the world. In principle, viruses can mutate at the time of replication in the infection process. One of the efforts that can be done at this time to suppress virus mutations is to also suppress transmission by complying with health protocols because virus replication in the infection process can be prevented. Therefore, citizens should be more obedient and disciplined in implementing health protocols. Everything is arranged in the latest circular, “said Wiku.
