Application of the ITE Law, General Chairman of SMSI Firdaus Supports Chief of Police Prioritizing Peaceful Steps

Jakarta – The Indonesian Cyber ​​Media Union (SMSI) positively welcomed the policy of the Chief of Police of the Republic of Indonesia (Kapolri) General Drs Listyo Sigit Prabowo, M.Si.

Through his policy, the National Police under his leadership is now prioritizing the pattern of restorative justice or the way of peace, except for those that divide the nation regarding the handling of cases related to the Law on Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE Law).

In Circular No. 2 / II / 2021, the National Police Chief asked investigators to determine explicitly whether a report was categorized as criticism, input, hoax, or defamation.

If it is still in the category of defamation, slander and insult, the National Police Chief asks investigators to put forward the peaceful path.

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Responding to the Chief of Police’s circular letter, Monday (22/2/2921), General Chair of the Indonesian Cyber ​​Media Union (SMSI), Firdaus accompanied by the Secretary General of SMSI M. Nasir conveyed that the Police Chief’s policy was a positive step that the National Police institution had made in the midst of its boom. cases of violation of the ITE Law especially to the media.

However, Firdaus is of the opinion that the ITE Law was originally created to regulate information and electronic transactions. For this reason, he hopes that the ITE Law is returned to its original flow and articles 27, 28, 29 and 45 in the ITE Law should be removed and the provisions of these articles are returned to the Criminal Code.

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The President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, has actually planned to revise the ITE Law, because in it there is a “rubber” article that has multiple interpretations and allows law enforcement or litigants to abuse it.

The Chief of Police circular is seen by Firdaus as a wise step in handling cases of violations of the ITE Law.

Firdaus gave an example, although there was an agreement or MoU between the Press Council and the National Police on press cases to be handled using the Press Law, there were still many, especially in the regions, journalists who were criminalized under the ITE Law because of their news.

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“We continue to support the policies issued by the National Police, while we are waiting for the recommendation of the revision of the ITE Law which is being formulated by the Press Council regarding the improvement of the ITE Law which is currently being discussed by the government,” concluded Firdaus, agreed by M. Nasir.

editor : Anang