Environmental Observer Said : Environmental Impact Analysis of Diamond Raya Timber Is Not Clear

Tommy FM. Riau Environmental Observer

Pekanbaru – Environmental observer, Tommy FM, accuse PT Diamond Raya Timber (DRT) cutting down trees in state forest in Rokan Hilir District and Dumai City of Riau Provindce carelessly by using old license

“Because to look after Environmental Impact Analysis (Amdal) have to follow to nature geographic condition, forest order, and social live of society around location, in the time of license extension” Tommy said as mentioned by siberindo.co, Wednesday (23/09)

Relating to Amdal, it is told that PT DRT must to involve environment including village society. People have to involve in verification process and must the newest because of ecosystem changing in license location. If Amdal process directly to central government, Ministry of Environment and Forest, there will be disturbing nature such as tiger entering the village and so on, Tommy explained.

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If proposed land which are requested changed, Amdal license have to change and follow new process in accordance with article 40 paragraph 3 Bill Number 32/2009 “If Environmental Impact Analysis not proceed, permit application of PT DRT is legally disabled and invalid” Tomy convinced.

Moreever, Tommy said that Amdal must issued by Environmental Impact Control Agency (Bapedal) and have to be known by Environmental and Forestry office of Riau Province and Riau Governor

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“But, it is weird that PT Diamond Raya Timber, as a subsidiary of PT Panca Eka Bina Plywood Industry and PT Uniseraya, received sertification as pioneer and the best in forestry production nature manajement in Indonesia” Tomy ended