IMI South Kalimantan Gives Award for Motor Racing Athlete PON XX 2021

Banjarmasin – Chairman of the Indonesian Motorcycle Association of South Kalimantan Province, Ir H Edy Sudarmadi, gave awards to South Kalimantan athletes and motorcycle racing teams who competed in PON 20 Papua.

Even though the South Kalimantan motorcycle racing athletes who participated in two individual modification class numbers and individual standards have not yet received medals, IMI South Kalimantan still gives appreciation and appreciation to athletes, coaches and mechanics who participated in the struggle in Papua PON.

The awarding with a strict process was held at the Tree Park Hotel Banjarmasin, Saturday (16/10/2021) attended by the Board of Trustees of IMI South Kalimantan H Bambang Soedjatmiko and H Sutarto, the management of IMI South Kalimantan running lively with the concept of an outdoor party.

The Head of the Motorcycle Racing Team who is also the Chair of the South Kalimantan IMI, Ir H Edy Sudarmadi, said that the achievements of the South Kalimantan motorcycle racing athletes in PON Papu should be appreciated because they have fought with all their abilities.  “The athletes’ struggle has been maximized, all of their abilities have been shown to be the best,” said

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Edy, who accompanied the athletes for two weeks in Papua. Edy said that this young motor racing athlete still has a long way to go, it is hoped that the results in Papua will be used as lessons and evaluations.

“God willing, with a spirit of unyielding spirit. South Kalimantan athletes can definitely give the best results and win,” he said.

As is known, 2 South Kalimantan motorcycle racing athletes Hendra Rusady who took part in the individual modification class were only in 11th place out of 19 racers, the first, second and third positions were occupied by Papua, East Kalimantan and Papua racers.

Chairman of IMI South Kalimantan Ir H Edy Sudarmadi with South Kalimantan motorcycle racing athletes at the Tree Park Hotel. South Kalimantan racer Adieta Herianoor who took part in the individual standard class was ranked 9th out of 13 participants, the first, second and third positions were won by racers from Papua, Central Java and Central Sulawesi.

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The South Kalimantan IMI Board of Trustees, Bambang Soedjatmiko, advised that South Kalimantan motorcycle racing athletes should remain enthusiastic and evaluate the results of the Papua National Sports Week.

“This is the process of becoming a champion, the beginning to be successful. For this reason, South Kalimantan athletes who are still young have a lot to learn, there is still a long way to go, to welcome the next events,” he said.

The same thing was said by H Sutarto, that he assessed that IMI South Kalimantan was successful even with limited funds in the midst of the pandemic, being able to do their best for the development of motorcycle racing in South Kalimantan by dispatching three athletes, two coaches and 4 mechanics at the Papua PON motorcycle racing event.

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“There are still opportunities for South Kalimantan motorcycle racing athletes to excel, for that the results of the Papua PON should be used as an evaluation,” said the former chairman of the South Kalimantan IMI.

IMI Head of South Kalimantan Kombes Pol. Widiatmoko advised the athletes that the results of the Papua PON were used as a provision for evaluation and self-improvement to look at achievements.

“These are all pending successes, I believe South Kalimantan athletes can make it happen, become champions,” he said.

At the end of the event, the Board of Trustees and Chairperson of the South Kalimantan IMI distributed certificates, gifts and prizes to all athletes, mechanics, teams and coaches of the Papua PON motorcycle racing who had struggled from face to face at PON XX Papua.

Anang Fadhilah