Oil Palm Workers Complain about the Wage System to the House of Representative of South Kalimantan

Banjarmasin – The wage system applied in oil palm plantations is a complaint by the Kalimantan Oil Palm Trade Union Alliance. Therefore, the wage system has not been able to provide welfare to workers and also the issue of health insurance and protection for workers.

Therefore, the Kalimantan Palm Oil Union Alliance then submitted their complaint to the House of Representative of South Kalimantan in Banjarmasin, Wednesday (23/12/2020).

The complaint from the Kalimantan Oil and Palm Trade Union Alliance was received by the joint commission, namely Commission II in charge of plantations and Commission IV in charge of manpower, so that from the meeting there was a dialogue that would also be followed up by House of Representative on these complaints.

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“Indeed, the conditions are not evenly distributed because it depends on the policies of each company,” Supian Noor, a representative of the Kalimantan Oil and Palm Trade Union Alliance, told reporters after the meeting.

Supian Noor said, the problem of the wage system for oil palm plantations is because there is no specific regulation governing oil palm labor. In fact, the contribution of oil palm plantations has been quite large under coal mining.

“These palm oil workers do not get protection, either wages or health insurance,” he said.

Meanwhile, member of Commission II of the South Kalimantan DPRD, Muhammad Yani Helmi, revealed that the complaint from the Palm Oil Workers Alliance had been heard during the last recess that did not receive appropriate wages or health insurance.

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“This complaint is planned to be included in the revision of the Regional Regulation on Plantation. The goal is to be able to accommodate wages and health insurance issues, ”said the Golkar Party politician.

Yani Helmi added that most of these oil palm plantations are located in his constituency, namely Tanah Bumbu and Kotabaru districts, so that this issue will be of serious concern to his party.

“We will bring together the company and the palm oil workers so that we can find the best solution, especially the problem of wages and health insurance,” he said.

Yani Helmi continued, especially since the contribution of oil palm plantations is quite large in locally-generated revenue (PAD) after coal mining. However, it turns out that these conditions have not provided welfare for oil palm workers.

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“If oil palm plantations develop, it should be able to improve workers’ welfare. So, workers can enjoy the results of their work, “he said.

In line with the Chairman of Commission IV DPRD of South Kalimantan, HM Lutfi Saifuddin, said that his party would accommodate the aspirations of oil palm workers by entering complaint points in the Manpower Regional Regulation which will be revised in accordance with the amendments to Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job’s Bill.

“There will be adjustments and local wisdom so that the Regional Manpower Regulation can provide protection to workers in the regions,” he concluded.
