Palestinian Ambassador Zuhair Al-Shuna Talking with Indonesian Cyber ​​Press Entrepreneurs

JAKARTA – Palestinian Ambassador to Indonesia DR Zuhair Al-Shuna talks with cyber press entrepreneurs who are members of the Indonesian Cyber ​​Media Union (SMSI), Tuesday afternoon, June 1, 2021. In the conversation for over two hours through an online network controlled through SMSI’s head office, Jalan Veteran 2, Central Jakarta, he discussed the latest developments on various things that happened in Palestine after the bomb attacks carried out by the Israeli army on May 14 and 15, 2021.

According to Zuhair Al-Shuna, after the bomb attacks that knocked down buildings, including the Al Jazeera Editorial Office, and the Associated Press (AP), there is now a ceasefire.

“What we need is not a ceasefire, but permanent independence for Palestine,” Zuhair said. “Nowadays the Israeli army is happy. After the ceasefire, they want to carry out another attack on Palestine, that’s what Israel likes. We want an independent Palestine,” said Zuhair in a webinar designed by SMSI for its members, which now number 1,225 online press entrepreneurs spread throughout Indonesia.

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Zuhair thanked the media in Indonesia for defending the Palestinian struggle through reporting. Among the media in many regions, the media in Indonesia are the ones who defend Palestine a lot.

“We read news in the Indonesian media about Palestine every day, and everyone shows support for Palestine. We thank you,” said Zuhair in a conversation guided by the Head of Education and Training of SMSI Dr Retno Intani.

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SMSI Secretary General Mohammad Natsir, who gave the introduction to the webinar discussion, said that SMSI invited Zubair Al-Shuna in the SMSI Independence Circle periodic discussion to provide an overview and information on the latest developments in the Israel-Palestine conflict.

“As a media person, you must know and always update about all events,” said Nasir. In today’s digital era, events that occur in faraway places seem right in front of our eyes, as if they were happening next to our house. “We can’t close our eyes. Therefore, when there was an indiscriminate bomb attack on Palestinian land, we watched through various media platforms. SMSI also denounced the attack by the Israeli army on May 14-15. Cyber media that are members of SMSI reported SMSI’s press release containing criticism of Israel,” said Nasir.

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The press which upholds human values ​​and human rights every day, said Nasir, should support the Palestinian struggle for independence from Israeli occupation. Israel, after the 1967 Six-Day War, has seized and occupied the West Bank, including East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip. Israel then continued to expand its occupied territory. They even built new settlements. Besides presenting Zuhair, SMSI also asked SMSI’s Head of Foreign Affairs, Aat Surya Safaat, to explain Israel-Palestine relations which are not yet peaceful. Aat said many important things.

writer: Anang