Poliban Monitors and Avaluates Apprenticeships for MSME Digitization Assistance

Banjarmasin – indonesiatoday.co – Banjarmasin State Polytechnic (Poliban) South Kalimantan carries out monitoring and evaluation of apprenticeship activities to assist the digitization of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).

Head of the Poliban Informatics Management Study Program Abdul Rozaq, M.Kom in Banjarmasin, Tuesday, said that the monitoring and evaluation activity had the theme “Digital young hero for MSMEs Antasari Indonesia (Pandu Antasari Indonesia) at the Aston Banua Hotel, Banjar Regency, Monday.

“There were 86 student apprentices participating in this activity,” he said.

He explained, this activity was one of the series of the Talent Scouting Academy (TSA). TSA, he continued, is one of the academies in the Poliban Digital Talent Scholarship (DTS) program in collaboration with the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information.

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According to Rozaq, the study programs participating in the TSA academy include D3 Information Management, D3 Informatics Engineering, Applied Bachelor of Smart City Information Systems and Applied Bachelor of Digital Business.

He said that informatics engineering is a study program with an apprenticeship period that coincides with this series of programs. So, he said, students of this study program were directed to do internships in the form of mentoring MSMEs, with digitizing MSMEs as their main focus. “This MSME assistance is carried out for one semester or converted into 12 credits. As the training that has been carried out is converted into 3 credits for the appropriate subject,” he said again.

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Rozaq said that the Director of Poliban, Joni Riadi, opened the evaluation and monitoring of the MSME mentoring apprenticeship.

This activity was filled with education and education from competent experts, namely, from the Head of the Banjarbaru Communication and Information Service Asep Saputra who presented the material “Banjarbaru City Policy regarding the digitalization of MSMEs”.

Furthermore, the Head of the Banjarmasin City Workforce and Micro Enterprise Cooperative Service HM Isa Anshari who brought material “Banjarmasin City Policy regarding the digitalization of MSMEs”.

There was also the CEO of the Warko Digital Nusantara Cooperative H Adam Nugraha Wiradhana with the material “Digitizing UMKM Efforts” and the Chairperson of the Kriya Ketupat Cooperative, Elisa R. Suryani who delivered material “MSME Responses to MSME digitalization assistance activities”.

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“Hopefully, what has been obtained in this training can be implemented in the community, especially MSMEs in the Banjarmasin, Banjarbaru and surrounding areas,” said Rozaq.

He also added that this program is very appropriate for students to implement the knowledge they have gained into the business world which currently really needs support, especially MSMEs to be more digitally competent and recognized on the world stage.

Anang Fadhilah