Prince Antasari Bridge Will Be Smoother Coated with Asphalt Emulsion

BANJARMASIN – The existence of the Prince Antasari Bridge in Banjarmasin City, which is the main access linking Jalan Pangeran Antasari and Pasar Sudimampir Saturday (23/10/2021) was completely closed for 1 day. The closure of the Prince Antasari Bridge is due to repairs to the oldest asphalt bridge in Banjarmasin City carried out by the South Kalimantan National Road Implementation Center (BPJN).

This was confirmed by the PPK for the Improvement of the Prince Antasari Bridge, South Kalimantan BPJN Andika Mulrosha, Monday (18/10). “Saturday or Sunday we will repair the asphalt of the Prince Antasari Bridge. With the repairs, temporarily the traffic flow to the bridge is diverted because the bridge is closed for one day,” he said.

Andika said the traffic flow from the intersection of Jalan Pangeran Antasari to the bridge, to the Sudimampir Market. “Closed from the crossroads. The roads around the Swiss Bell Hotel and Ramayana Mitra Plaza are still passable,” he said.

The contractor who was trusted to work on the asphalt bridge repair was entrusted to PT Kelana Multi Konstruksi. Where the asphalting method for the Antasari P Bridge uses emulsified asphalt slurry (Emuilsified Asphalt Slurry Seal) type 3.

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“The use of emulsified asphalt slurry is quite practical and the process does not take a long time of about 8 hours. The asphalting of the bridge with a length of approximately 200 meters is targeted to be completed in one day, “said PT Kelana Multi Konstruksi Head, Ir H Edy Sudarmadi.

Edy said, the asphalting process can run smoothly according to the target. “Hopefully the weather on Saturday is sunny. Because if the weather is sunny, the work can be done in four hours,” he said.

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Edy hopes that the community, especially road users who feel affected by the bridge closure, can understand the bridge repair work. “I expect participation and understanding from the community because road access is temporarily disrupted, because there is a work process to repair bridge asphalt,” he said.

Anang Fadhilah