Banjarbaru – The road trip using a BMW car to South Sulawesi to Merauke (Papua) is the route that will be taken by Ruslan and co-driver Alvy Yanoor. The activity, titled Single Adventouring Trisakti 2021, was directly released by the Chairman of the Indonesian Motor Association (IMI) of South Kalimantan, Ir Edy Sudarmadi.
The ceremony was also attended by the Head of the Banjarbaru Police, AKBP Nur Khamid, the South Kalimantan Tourism Office, the Chairman of the South Kalimantan Indonesia Offroad Federation (IOF), Hariadi, members of the South Kalimantan IMI, as well as the motorcycle and car club members of the South Kalimantan IMI at the IMI South Kalimantan Secretariat, Banjarbaru City, Saturday (11/9). /2021).
Using a 1996 BMW car (series 323i) Ruslan, a member of the BMW Classic Register, IOF South Kalimantan and the Chairman of the IMI South Kalimantan Racing Car Sports Commission, will travel from Banjarbaru City, to Batulicin (South Kalimantan) as a crossing point to Makassar City (South Sulawesi). ) continues to Mamuju-Palu-Manado-Gorontalo-Poso-Kendari-Makassar to Marauke (Papua).

Scheduled after watching the XX 2021 Papua PON motorcycle racing activities to support South Kalimantan motorcycle racing athletes, they will only return via Surabaya-Banjarmasin with an estimated return to Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan at the end of October 2021.
“Ruslan, who is also the Chairperson of the IMI South Kalimantan Racing Car Sports Commission, on this trip brought the name of South Kalimantan to travel around South Sulawesi, Papua and Surabaya. Hopefully, this option will continue in promoting regional tourism,” said the Chairman of IMI South Kalimantan, Edy Sudarmadi.
The journey taken, he continued, was an extraordinary challenge in touring with one car. “What needs to be considered is to keep speed and safety. You don’t need to be afraid to walk alone because the Sulawesi route is very interesting,” he said.

Head of IOF South Kalimantan, Hariadi reminded to be careful on the road, take care of your health, and go home without any shortages. “I have informed the IOF that he will pass to facilitate the journey. At the same time, Mr. Ruslan can also tell that South Kalimantan also has extraordinary tourism so that they visit South Kalimantan,” he explained.
Ruslan explained that he traveled by using a BMW car from Banjarbaru City, South Kalimantan, to Merauke and also wanted to promote tourism objects in South Kalimantan, witness the Papua PON activities. It also supports the four pillars of nationality (Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, Bhineka Tunggal Ika, and the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia). “In this case, it helps the government to interpret the four pillars of nationality,” he said.

Moreover, Indonesia as an archipelagic country rich in natural resources, arts and culture is a gift from God Almighty. Borneo (Kalimantan), Celebes (Sulawesi) and Papua are big islands with all their potential and uniqueness. Diversity of tribes, ethnicities, cultures and traditions. “All of these are potential assets in Bhineka Tunggal Ika to move towards a Tough Indonesia, an Advanced Indonesia,” he explained.
For touring, he added, had started two years ago. During that time, he had been a flag ambassador to Sabang to Jakarta in August 2020. Then in December 2020 he toured from Jakarta, Lombok and Sumbawa. “For this tour, my target is to be able to watch the PON motorcycle racing branch in Marauke. At the same time singing the song From Sabang to Marauke right at the Zero Kilometer Merauke point,” he said.
writer: Anang Fadhilah