Saudi Arabian Ambassador Ready to Inaugurate Journalist Boarding School Mosque

JAKARTA – Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to Indonesia Esam A Abid Althagafi is ready to visit the Journalist Boarding School (JBS) in Cilegon, Banten. Esam conveyed this readiness in a discussion with the management and members of the Indonesian Cyber ​​Media Union (SMSI) which was held on Wednesday, June 30, 2021.

In this virtual event, they discussed many things. Even the General Chairperson of SMSI Firdaus invited the Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to visit JBS, all inaugurated the prayer room which is under construction in the JBS area.

“We have JBS or SMSI Training Center which is in Cilegon City, Banten, this is the first in Indonesia and even in Asia and is a training center that will give birth to a generation of professional journalists,” said Firdaus.

In response to this, the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to Indonesia Essam A Abid Essam bin Abid Altagafi said that he was ready to attend the inauguration of the prayer room at JBS.

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“God willing, we are here, send out the invitation in advance so that later we can arrange the schedule,” said Essam. Please note that JBS is the first “Jurnalistik Plus” educational institution in Indonesia, even in Asia because it also teaches students to read and memorize the Qur’an.

At JBS, it provided students with accommodation in a two-story building with an area of ​​300 square meters. That way, each participant can be cared for and supervised by reliable mentors. The “Journalist Boarding School,” which was launched at the end of April 2019, is ready to accommodate 30 participants every year.

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Each participant will attend education for one year, with gradual material improvement. The journalism school was built, not only oriented to business, but to joint efforts in order to prepare prophetic journalists whose presence they needed in the current era of media convergence.

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