SMSI Riau’s Secretary Passed Away, All SMSI Residents Grieve Deeply

Riau – The Governor of Riau (Gubri) Drs H Syamsuar MSi expressed his deep sorrow for the death of Mohammad Moralis, Secretary of the Riau Cyber ​​Media Union (SMSI).

“Hopefully our friend, the late Moralis, will have the best place in the sight of Allah SWT, hopefully he is a martyr, Aamiin YRA,” said the number one person in Riau Province.

The governor also prayed for the deceased’s wife, children, and family to endure trials. “Now, we pray that his wife (being treated) will get well soon, Aamiin YRA,” said Syamsuar.

Anticipating a long holiday, Monday (26/10/2020), the Governor of the Republic of Indonesia invited Mayor Regents throughout Riau. “Tomorrow, we have a meeting with mayors and regents throughout Riau to discuss the handling of Covid-19,” he concluded.

Covid-19 Protocol

Previously, on Sunday (25/10), at around 16.00, a number of journalists took the time to visit Arifin Achmad Hospital Pekanbaru to pray and pay their final respects to the deceased.

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Head of Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) Riau, H Zulmansyah Sekedang looked sad when giving a short speech. A number of journalists were seen including H Fendri Jaswir, H Asril Darma, Luna Agustin, and H Ardiansyah Tanjung.

After the ceremony which was also attended by members of the Riau DPRD Yulisman S.Si and H Agung Nugroho SE and the owner of PT Muhibah Ibnu Ma’sud, the body of the Chief Editor/Responsible person for was buried with the standard Covid-19 health protocol, at Palas TPU, Rumbai, around at 17.00.

Previously, Mohammad Moralis had a fever. Due to his deteriorating condition, he was taken to the Bross Panam Awal Hospital, Monday (19/10/20) at 04.00 WIB.

Due to his condition requiring a ventilator, Monday afternoon he was transferred to Arifin Ahmad Hospital. The deceased underwent treatment in the ICU while waiting for the results of the Swab, which came out Tuesday (20/10/20) with a positive result of Covid-19.

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Director of RSUD Arifin Ahmad, Dr. Nuzelly Husnedi, MARS previously informed that the condition of the deceased was improving. The response to drugs given is also very good. Moralis is still in the ICU on a ventilator and under the supervision of a team of doctors.

But God wants another. After undergoing treatment for six days, Mohammad Moralis breathed his last before this afternoon.

The death of the deceased left deep sadness for the extended family of journalists in Riau. Moreover, in his daily life the deceased was known to be friendly and easy to get along with anyone.

Social media, both FB and WhatsApp, get a flood of condolences for the passing of the deceased. Greetings were also conveyed by the Head of the Riau SMSI, Novrizon Burman

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“Innalillahi wainna ilahi rajiun. Today we are missing a journalist who is reluctant and loves his profession. The figure of a journalist who deserves to be an example. Goodbye, our brother Mohammad Moralis. May Allah SWT provide the best place, and the families left behind will always be given strength and patience ”

Novrizon also said “we are very lost, the deceased is a good person, I witnessed it,” he said.
Hearing the sad news, Firdaus, the chairman of the Central SMSI, expressed his deep condolences for Moralis’ departure.

“The departure of our friend and brother Moralis, is very unexpected. It makes us the big family of SMSI throughout Indonesia grieve. Hopefully he is Khusnul Khotimah and those left behind will be given patience”

Anang Fadhilah