Syndicate of Mountain Bike Thieves in Banjarmasin Arrested

Banjarmasin – The joint team of the South Kalimantan Police Department and the Banjarmasin Police managed to curb the syndicate of bicycle theft perpetrators and their custodians who have recently been troubling the public, Thursday (24/9/2020).

After conducting an investigation and an ambush, 10 mountain bikes that had not been sold were found at the house of the perpetrators with the initials RA (31) and FR (39).

The suspect RA is a resident of Jalan KS Tubun Gang Sedatu RT 10 No 44 Kelayan Barat, while FR lives in Komplek Gagah Lurus, both in the District of South Banjarmasin. The raid of the bicycle thieves was directly led by the Head of Sub-Directorate of Crime and Violence, Police Grand Commissioner Adjutant Andi Rahmasyah.

The police also arrested three criminals, namely DN (46), who lives at Jalan RE Martadinata, Gang Proklamasi RT 21 No 42 Kelurahan Telawang, West Banjarmasin District. AF (38) who lives at Jalan KS Tubun Gang Sedatu, RT 10 No 44 West Kelayan, South Banjarmasin District and AP (35) who lives at Jalan Akasia 2 No 56, Jawa Village, Martapura District, Banjar City.

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The perpetrators and their evidence were brought to the East Banjarmasin Police Office, Banjarmasin City for further investigation and processing.

“Now the perpetrators are charged with theft with weighting according to Article 363 of the Criminal Code with the threat of four years in prison and all suspects are handed over to the East Police for further processing,” concluded Police Grand Commissioner Adjutant Andi Rahmasyah.

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Anang Fadhilah