The Indonesian Cyber ​​Media Union Holds the 2023 Award Night

JAKARTA – The Indonesian Cyber ​​Media Union (SMSI) will hold the SMSI 2023 Award Night to appreciate individuals and institutions that have contributed to the life of the press. The general chairman of SMSI Firdaus stated that the SMSI award would be held on Friday (11/8/2023) at the Press Council Auditorium, Jl Kebon Sirih, Jakarta.

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“We appreciate the contributions and contributions made by individuals as friends of the press and institutions that are inherent in the duties and functions of news media and Indonesian digital news creators,” said Firdaus at the SMSI Secretariat Jl Veteran Jakarta, Tuesday (8/8/2023).

It was explained that this appreciation would be conveyed by SMSI in the form of awarding a gold pin. For individual friends of the press, SMSI chooses regional heads who are close to the press and contribute a lot, such as in implementing UKW, KLW, and building PWI or SMSI buildings.

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Meanwhile, the institution that received the gold pin is a company that has helped and encouraged the Indonesian press, both morally and materially.
