August, Bimmers Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam Visit Banjarmasin

BANJARMASIN – A meet-up event for BMW car enthusiasts from the island of Borneo, Indonesia-Malaysia-Brunei Darussalam entitled Borneo Bimmers Meet #1 which was held in mid-August 2019 ago in Kota Kinabalu Sabah Malaysia by Sabah Bimmers, the second follow-up event will have Banjarmasin City as the host for the Borneo Bimmers event Meet #2 which is being worked on by South Borneo BMW Enthusiast (SBBE), 15-18 August 2023.

Yus and H Arief 'Bruno'
Yus and H Arief ‘Bruno’

P.I.C. (Person In Charge) Borneo Bimmers Meet #2, HM Arief Husaini explained to reporters that this event will last 4 full days and 3 nights and will take several locations starting in Banjarmasin itself as the highlight location of the event, Banjarbaru and Martapura, as well as tourist attractions Lokbaintan floating market in Banjar Regency. “Alhamdulillah, since it was postponed in 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we can finally hold this BBM # 2 event in August 2023,” said Arief.

SBBE as the host of BBM#2 itself, is of course very proud because it will present this Asian-wide event for all automotive enthusiasts in South Kalimantan, Indonesia. “Of course we will prepare everything massively for our guests, Bimmers from neighboring countries, Malaysia and Brunei. We will present all forms of art and culture to local wisdom and a variety of typical Banjar culinary delights, so that later it will become a distinct impression that is very attached to them when they return to their respective countries. The point is we will make them as comfortable and happy as possible while in Indonesia,” he explained.

Achap and Rizal Reez
Achap and Rizal Reez


In detail, Arief explained the location points for the event were starting from the Anno Siring House Menara Pandang, IMI Kalsel Secretariat, SKB Stable Horse in Banjarbaru, the Sultanate of Banjar and the CBS Souvenir Center in Martapura, Lokbaintan Floating Market, Open Space Swissbell Hotel Borneo Banjarmasin, and closed at Headquarters II SBBE Man Power Garage on Jalan Pramuka.

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Asked about how many BMW participating cars will be touring from Brunei and Malaysia with a distance of thousands of kilometers, Arief explained the estimate would reach 20 units with around 30-40 participants. “We pray together, hopefully the number of participants who will depart will increase. The entry route to our own country will take the Entikong Cross-border Post (PLBN) in West Kalimantan which borders Kampong Tebedu Sarawak Malaysia,” he explained.

The same thing was also expressed by Yus, P.I.C. BBM#2 Brunei Darussalam when contacted via his cellphone. “Yes, we will start our journey starting around August 10 (August, red) 2023. Together with our Sabah Bimmers colleagues, whose position is close to Brunei. Then we continued the first stage to Kuching City, Sarawak, Malaysia to rejoin our Bimmers Adventouring Community Club colleagues. Insha Allah, we will enter Indonesia around August 12,” explained Yus.

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Meanwhile Rizal Reez as P.I.C. Sarawak Malaysia, explained that after entering Indonesia, they will stay overnight in the city of Pontianak, and the next day they will continue their journey to the city of Sampit, Central Kalimantan. “We stayed one night in Sampit, the next day we immediately went to Banjarmasin. Just pray that there will be no obstacles on our way later,” hoped the man who is nicknamed ‘Shahrukhan of Sarawak’.

Meanwhile Achap, P.I.C. Sabah Malaysia, said that if some of its members had limited time off from work, they would still attend by air. “Yes, several of our Sabah Bimmers members who have limited time off from work, are confirmed to be present in Banjarmasin with transit in Jakarta,” explained Achap.

Anang Fadhilah