Focusing on Protecting Consumers, BPKN’s Position is Getting Stronger After Collaborating With SMSI

JAKARTA – The presence of the Badan Perlindungan Konsumen Nasional Republik Indonesia (BPKN – National Consumer Protection Agency of the Republic of Indonesia) will be more beneficial in the eyes of the public. This was after the state institution collaborated with the Serikat Media Siber Indonesia (SMSI – Indonesian Cyber ​​Media Union) as outlined in a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

The signing of the MoU was presented during a series of activities for the Indonesian Consumer Protection Award (ICPA) which took place at the Pullman Hotel, Central Park, West Jakarta, Monday (30/11/2020).

Behind the MoU, BPKN attempted to simplify information by presenting news that was packaged softer, easier to digest and quickly reached the target. This method can only be done by media that have been part of the SMSI.

In line with that, Indonesian consumers feel more protected. So that the vulnerability to exploitation that endangers consumers can be minimized in line with cross-sector work functions. And the news presented by the media that are members of the SMSI.

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Chairman of BPKN, Rizal E. Halim said that the distribution of this information has become the backbone in strengthening the position of BPKN. On the other hand, the focus on providing protection and implementing regulations and statutory regulations will be easier.

“We have confirmed the agreement between BPKN and SMSI in the MoU,” Rizal explained.
Rizal added, the presence of SMSI with a number of members of 1,224 media spread throughout Indonesia, is expected to be able to back up the latest information and developments to the scope of consumers and existing dynamics.

“Once again, thank you, and appreciation for the cooperation that has been built. We hope that BPKN’s work will be further blown up by presenting news that is in accordance with existing facts,” he explained.
Another hope is that consumers will be more assisted and protected by the presence of SMSI as a public partner. “Once again, thank you for the cooperation that has been built. This MoU marks the presence of a stronger BPKN,” he said.

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Rizal added, the purpose of the MoU is to improve the ability of BPKN and SMSI in the field of socialization and education as an effort to educate the nation’s life.

“The agreement stated in the points of this MoU will be carried out first for the next three years. We agree that all information presented is in the form of transparency and public openness,” added Rizal.
Responding to Rizal’s statement, the General Chairperson of the SMSI Centre, Firdaus also appreciated BPKN’s steps in cooperating with SMSI.

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“Of course we know, BPKN is a State Agency formed to help develop protection. And SMSI is considered an ideal partner in disseminating information. At a minimum, we are able to contribute in educating the public,” Firdaus explained.

The understanding that the BPKN with SMSI has aims to improve and develop resource capabilities. Both in the field of socialization and education to the community.

“SMSI as a constituent of the Press Council and the largest Cyber ​​association in Indonesia with a total membership of 1,224 media companies and spread across 34 provinces in Indonesia, is ready to support BPKN’s program in educating the public regarding consumer protection,” Firdaus said.

Anang Fadhilah