Implementing Health Protocol of Elections: Use a Cultural Approach

Jakarta – The Regional Head Election (Pilkada) will be held on 9 December. Concern about the transmission of the Corona Virus occurs in the community. In Indonesia, 575,796 victims have been exposed as of last Sunday 6 December. Such data should make people aware of this virus.

Seeing this condition, the National Movement Association formed Healthy Pilkada Volunteers by holding an event entitled “Successful Pilkada, Implement Health Prokes. Healthy Society, Healthy Democracy”. Monday, December 7, 2020 at Bundaran Patung Kuda, Jakarta.

Coordinator of the Healthy Pilkada Movement of the National Movement Association, Dendi Budiman, said that the potential for transmission of the COVID-19 Pandemic at the Pilkada event is very real. According to all groups, including organizers, Pilkada participants and the public should anticipate him.

“I think this year’s Pilkada is quite risky for spreading the pandemic. For that we want the Healthy Pilkada movement to become a common awareness, that voting is important and public health is also important,” said Dendi when interviewed by media crews, Jakarta, Monday (07/12).

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Dendi said that the voluntary movement started by the National Movement Association could have a real impact, so that the Pilkada event continued and produced regional leaders who were serious about developing the region.

At the same place, the Secretary General of the National Movement Association, Riyan Hidayat, said that this activity was in a cultural campaign to prevent the transmission of COVID-19, at the upcoming December 9, 2020 Pilkada.

“Friends, dressed in traditional clothes from 34 provinces and using their respective regional languages, invite the community to cultivate health protocols in their daily lives, the regions that are implementing the Pilkada.” Said Riyan

His party views that to enforce the discipline of health protocols, it will be difficult if it is done only with a law enforcement approach.

“Indonesia has hundreds of different cultures, customs, and languages. Therefore, Healthy Pilkada Volunteers carry out this activity by conducting a cultural approach campaign. ahead of the 2020 simultaneous regional elections. People must continue to be invited to cultivate health protocols together, and not just cultivate a legal approach. “Said the former chairperson of BEM UIN Jakarta.

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In the community’s midst’s economy, which is still slumped for the pandemic, the legal approach will only spark public emotions to create friction and even clash between the community and the state.

“washing hands, wearing masks, and discipline to maintain distance must be cultured and grounded in the community with full awareness, not coercion. And we all must be ready to be role models,” said Riyan.

In order to make the Pilkada a success, the following is the appeal of the National Movement Association: To the Organizers (KPU and Bawaslu)

1. To ensure that the 2020 Pilkada takes place democratic, honest.

2. For strict health protocols to be implemented. The KPU must ensure the availability of 12 Health Protocols at the TPS (hand washing and soap, hand sanitizers, plastic gloves for voters, medical gloves for KPPS officers, masks, trash cans, face shields for officers, temperature measuring devices, location disinfection elections, ink drops, hazmat suits, and a special room for voters with a temperature of 37.3 degrees Celsius).

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3. Bawaslu to seriously supervise the practice of money politics which could tarnish the 2020 Regional Elections.

To Candidates for Regional Head:

1. To provide an example of healthy political behavior and implement health protocols in every activity.

2. Avoiding mass mobilization that could create a crowd.

Dear Voters:

1. Follow health protocols at the TPS and always do 3M.

2. No need to worry about coming to the TPS as long as you comply with health protocols.

3. Don’t Abstain, your vote will determine the future of your region.

4. Select Candidates who campaign against Covid-19 and have a vision of economic recovery.

5. Do not choose a candidate who commits a Money Politic crime and does not care about Covid-19.

Anang Fadhilah