Indonesia Ministry Education Office; More than 20% of Papuan People are Illiterate


In 2009, Papua Province was the highest number of illiterate people in Indonesia.

In his video confrence (4/9) General Director of Early Childhood Education and Primary and Secondary Education of Education Ministry of Republic Indonesia, Jumeri, said that 21.9% of Papua people are illiterates. This number number nearly 3 times bigger than West Nusa Tenggara Province with 7.46% and East Nusa Tenggara with 4.24%. Meanwhile South Sulawesi, West Sulawesi and West Kalimantan are 4.22%, 3.98%, and 3,81% consequtively. Those six province are the biggest illiterate provinces in Indonesia.

In general, the proportion of illiterate people in Indonesia are 1.78% in 2019, decreased from 1.93% compared to previous year.

Gross enrollment rate, percentage of people in school and income per capita in a certain regional have close relation with this situation. Those six provinces have high numbers of gross enrollment rate and low income per capita
Jumery convinced that eradication of illiterate people is the important step to elevate people wealthy and decrease poor people number. His institution will intesify literacy training in those six provinces.

Woman and disability people are the highest illiterate number. That is why, Ministry education will collaborate with woman and disability communities to combate illiterate poeple.

Meanwhile Director of People Eduation and Special Traning, Samto, admit there were not significant number in decreasing illiterate people for the last five years. In 2015, number of illiterate people reached 2.29%. This number decrease to 2.07% in the next year, 2016, but stagnan in 2017. Samto cogented that slow decreasing because of low percentege of illiterate people below 2%

Samto said, most of illiterate people are live in under developed region and border area. Consequently, he dealt with access and human resources number to perform literacy training