LAZIS IPHI Central Java Planted Edamame in Mijen

LAZIS IPHI Planted Edamame in Mijen.

Semarang – The Indonesian Hajj Brotherhood Association (IPHI) of Central Java Province together with the administrators of the Safe Zakat Infaq and Shodaqoh Institute (LAZIS) IPHI Central Java in collaboration with the Edamame Farmers Group, Semarang Regency, planted Edamame seeds or young soybeans in an agricultural area of ​​5,500 square meters in Polaman Village, Mijen, Semarang.

Chairman of IPHI Central Java H Harsono explained, planting young soybean seedlings marked the collaboration between LAZIS IPHI Central Java and the Edamame Farmers Group, Semarang Regency.

The event was attended by the Rector of UIN Walisongo Semarang, Prof Dr H Imam Taufik MAg, administrators of IPHI Central Java, IPHI Semarang Regency, LAZIS IPHI, and Edamame Farmers Community, Semarang Regency.

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Harsono hopes that the cooperation will run smoothly and be managed professionally so that it can go public. “IPHI must have a big role in empowering the community’s economy, especially in the midst of a pandemic. Currently the community is facing a difficult situation. Edamame can be an area for strengthening expertise as well as increasing welfare. This is a good break. IPHI must be present in the midst of community difficulties in the midst of a pandemic,” said Harsono.



Harsono invited IPHI administrators in districts/cities to work together with LAZIS as a concrete manifestation of IPHI’s progress in society.

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Chairman of the Institute for Safe Zakat Infaq and Shodaqoh (LAZIS) of IPHI Central Java, Arif Juanda, said that zakat is a potential asset if it is properly developed. Then it must be optimized. Currently LAZIS is focused on productive programs that are oriented towards food security.

“Managing zakat, infaq, and shadaqah assets is a heavy mandate. We are determined to allocate this mandate for productive activities that provide collective benefits in society, especially in the economic sector,” he said.

According to Arif Juanda, the Edamame plant was chosen because of the high consumption and marketability in the community. “Apart from being highly nutritious, Edamame has a high selling value in the community,” he added.

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Suryo, as a representative of the Edamame Farmers Group in Semarang Regency, expressed his gratitude for the trust given to him. He hopes that this program will continue to grow and can support food security.

“We are grateful for this trust. This program is right to support food security which is promoted by the government. ”

The event was closed by symbolically planting Edamame seeds in the agricultural area. (Aska)