Mardani Maming Responds to Court Call, Claims Not Involved in the Tanah Bumbu IUP Case

BANJARMASIN–PBNU General Treasurer Mardani H Maming fulfills the summons of the Banjarmasin Corruption Court, Monday (25/4/2022). Mardani was a witness in the case of alleged bribery and gratification of mining business permits (IUP) in Tanah Bumbu Regency with the accused being the former head of the ESDM office, Raden Dwidjono.

In his testimony, the former regent of Tanah Bumbu Regency admitted that he signed the IUP Application Decree because there was already a recommendation from the relevant agency. According to him, this is the basis for the issuance of a decree over the mining business in Tanah Bumbu.

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Mardani said, in the official recommendation, it was explained that all the IUP application processes were in accordance with applicable regulations. “I would not have signed if I knew the permit was against the law,” said Mardani Maming at the trial chaired by the Panel of Judges Yusriansyah, Monday (4/25/2022).

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After the trial, Mardani reiterated that he was not related to the issue that occurred in 2011. At that time the IUP application was declared rice without any problems. Including when verified by the provincial government to the center.

“It was brought to the province, and the province said there was no problem at that time. It was brought back to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, according to the rules and out of CNC means that there was no problem,” he said.

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Outside the trial, thousands of people from the South Kalimantan PWNU and Hipmi came to the Banjarmasin Corruption Court to provide support to the General Chairperson of Hipmi.

Mardani said he was grateful to two organizations that had given full support to him. “I thank you profusely for the solidarity of my friends, after I conveyed this problem, Alhamdulillah, he understood. And I got support from NU and HIPMI,” said Mardani Maming.

Anang Fadhilah