‘Ngetrail and Offroad’ Journalists with Danrem 101/Antasari and Indonesia Off-Road Federation (IOF) to Kiram Park

Banjarbaru – Print and electronic journalists who posted at Korem 101/Antasari were invited to refresh by the Commander of Korem 101/Antasari (Danrem) Brigadier General Firmansyah to enjoy the exoticism of Kiram Park tourism by riding a dirt bike and off-road car, Thursday (23/9/2021) .

The commander of Korem 101/Antasari (Danrem) Brigadier General Firmansyah said that the purpose of the journalists was to be invited to refresh to Kiram Park to relax and release the fatigue of work routines, as well as to get together with journalists. This series of gatherings began with morning exercise together and continued with training to try out trail and off-road motorbikes at Kiram Park, Banjar Regency, Thursday (23/9/2021).

In this Off-road event, it is fully supported by the Indonesian Offroad Federation (IOF) of South Kalimantan. Brigadier General Firmasyah said, in addition to strengthening synergy in the world of news, at the same time increasing immunity in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic by exercising.

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Most of the invitees participated in the adventure. For members of the press who do not participate in dirt and offroad motorbikes, they will throw knives and axes (Lempika). “We want to introduce Lempika as the basic capability of the TNI in their duties. Now those who have tried it, it’s not as easy as in the movies, right,” said Danrem.

“In this gathering, we want to invite the press to have fun, have fun, adventure while exercising to increase immunity,” said Danrem.

Establishing Silaturahmi and Synergy with Press Personnel, Danrem 101/Antasari Invites Journalists to Adventure According to Danrem, there are many tourism potentials in South Kalimantan that can be developed properly to boost the economy.

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There is a difference with the gathering that has been held before, this time it was carried out by simultaneously trying out the Kiram Park track in Banjar Regency. The track that is passed is about 1.5 hours, it is also quite challenging and adrenaline pumping with the natural panorama of the mountains.

“We are trying with a new atmosphere, so far we have carried out in a closed room, this time it was carried out with a new atmosphere while increasing immunity,” said Firmansyah. Many more facilities have been built in this tourist attraction, because the location is very wide, making traveling adventures there not boring.

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There are various other places that are connected to Kiram Park, namely, including Mount Mawar, Mount Pamaton and Mount Brown, and there are even places that are named “Alam Spirit” by the Governor of South Kalimantan.

So that the tourist attraction there is full of mysteries that make it curious to wade through it, especially for people who like nature. Because nature is still virgin, even though it has been touched, it is hoped that in the future it will remain sustainable as part of the lungs of the world.

“As in Kiram Park, the track is good, and also the scenery, there are still many here that can be developed again as a tourist center,” he said.

Anang Fadhilah