Sacred and Rich in Culture, Traditional Javanese Wedding for the Son of the Chairman of the South Kalimantan Chamber of Commerce and Industry

JAKARTA – Javanese traditional weddings are a type of wedding procession that has long been used as a choice for people to make sacred vows. Wedding parties using Javanese customs have a schedule of events that must be carried out by the bride and groom in a special and sequential manner.

This creates a sacred and cultural atmosphere when holding a traditional Javanese wedding. Naturally, in the past, marriages using Javanese customs were only carried out in the palace, aka royal descendants. However, for now, Javanese traditional marriages can be performed by anyone without any restrictions on whether they are blue blood or not.

Good news came from Banua figures from South Kalimantan, Ir Edy Sudarmadi (Chair of IMI South Kalimantan) and Shinta Laksmi Dewi SE (Chair of Kadin South Kalimantan). Who married his first son Adhi Dharma Prasetyo ST MT to Drg Larasati Ramadiani Kusuma Perdana first daughter (late) Eri Ramadhan Hidayat ST MM and Dra Tarhan Dianti Rahayu MM.

The wedding reception for the son of South Kalimantan businessman Ir Edy Sudarmadi was held on Sunday, October 15 2023 at 19.00-21.00 WIB at the Soldier Ballroom of Balai Sudirman Jalan Dr Saharjo Menteng Dalam Tebet, Central Jakarta, attended by approximately 2 thousand guests from various circles and was very lively. This can be seen from the full vehicle parking at Sudirman Hall.

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Figures and administrators from the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) and the Indonesian Motorcycle Association (IMI) were seen filling the ballroom with a capacity of 1,700 people.

The marriage contract between Adhi Dharma Prasetyo ST MT and Drg Larasati Ramadiani Kusuma Perdana was previously held at the bride’s residence located at Jalan Kalibata Timur Empang Tiga No. 23 South Jakarta runs solemnly and sacredly.

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Happy new life to (Tyo and Laras). Good luck on your household journey. May we become a sakinah, mawaddah, warahmah family.

Bârakallâhu laka wa bâraka ‘alaika wa jama’a bainakumâ fî khairin. “May Allah bless you in joy and sorrow and may Allah gather you both in goodness.”
