Student of Padjadjaran University Created Solar Powered Bike  

Padjadjaran University Rectorate

Bandung – Three students of Padjadjaran University (Unpad) developed “Easy Bike” as a solar powered bike. Easy bike believed will be more environmental friendly than another solar powered bike in market. Because most of powerd solar bike are rely on electricity from each area. however, comercial electricity in Indonesia is still a fossil fueal

One of purposes in developing easy bike is to reduce number of motor vehicyle in campus. Meanwhile, Unpad campus contour tend to have more incline and it was a challenge for student to bike. That is why, electric bike which environmental friendly will be a solution

Three of Padjadjaran University students are; Mutiara Nawansari (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science), Lutfia Rahmannisa (Faculty of Fisheris and Marine) and Alamsyah Yahya Nugraha (Faculty of Economics and Business) with supervisor Ferry Faizal, Ph.D from Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of Padjadjaran University

“We think how to ride a bicycle without tired in uphill time. We add motor. When we tired in pedalling, we turn on motor. So, this is a solution for Unpad which ups and down contour” Mutiara said, Saturday (03/10)

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Because using solar power, team provide same of charging station around campus. Source of electric totally from sun and electric bike do not have carbon emissions

“We attempt to make charging station alone with sun power. So, we are not use fossil fuel” Mutiara expained

Mutiara and team calculated number carbon dioxide emission that can be reducted if electric bike used by Padjadjaran University student. It was predicted that more than a thousand tons can be reduced if electric bike strongly implemented

Team made prototype of electric bike with charging station by cooperation with Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Resources of Padjadaran University, Nanotechnology Research Centre, and Graphene (Print-G). Easy bike will be perfected continously and hoped could be used in Padjaddjaran University campus

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Mutiara explained that easy bike is not only environmental friendly but also has an access to Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). In addition, easy bike has GPS Facility and calorie counter. Electric solar powered bike idea was a champion (Number 1) in National Scientific Writing Competition for student categori at Malang, August 2020