Suspected of Cheating, The Candidate for Governor of South Kalimantan Sahbirin Noor Was Reported to Bawaslu

The Candidate Pair Team for the Governor of South Kalimantan number 2, Denny Indrayana-Difriadi Darjat (H2D), reported their competitor candidate pair number 1, Sahbirin Noor-Muhidin (Uncle BirinMu)for the second time, to the South Kalimantan Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu),

Banjarmasin – The Candidate Pair Team for the Governor of South Kalimantan number 2, Denny Indrayana-Difriadi Darjat (H2D), reported their competitor candidate pair number 1, Sahbirin Noor-Muhidin (Uncle BirinMu)for the second time, to the South Kalimantan Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu), Wednesday (28/10). Unmitigated, in this report, H2D was accompanied by legal advisor Bambang Widjojanto who is also a former Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

Denny himself, along with his team, also attended the South Kalimantan Bawaslu office in Banjarmasin.
The material of the report concerns the alleged violation of Article 71 Paragraph 3 of Law Number 10 of 2016 concerning Elections, which reads ‘prohibits the governor or deputy governor, regent or deputy regent, and mayor or deputy mayor from using powers, programs and activities that benefit or harm one one pair of candidates both in their own region and in another region within six months prior to the date of determination of the pair of candidates until the determination of the elected candidate pair.’

According to Bambang, violations of Article 71 could cancel a candidate in the election because the sanctions were very heavy.

He said that an example of this case had occurred at Parepare, when the case was addressed to Doctor Taufan Pawe. The reported party was proven to have violated this article. “Violation of Article 71 paragraph 3 has the risk of canceling the pair of candidates,” said this famous lawyer.

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Bambang hopes, this report will be followed up accordingly by the South Kalimantan Provincial Bawaslu. “We hope that this can be followed up by Bawaslu because what is conveyed includes what is needed,” he said.

“Our report here is not for show. However, to ensure the election is not just looking for a winner. However, we want to ensure that those who are elected can be held accountable for not committing fraud,” he said.

When asked what kind of evidence was presented to Bawaslu, Bambang could not say. According to him, this will later be explained by Bawaslu in order to protect the investigation process.

South Kalimantan Bawaslu commissioner, Azhar Ridhani said his party would process what the H2D legal team reported, on behalf of Jurkani. “We will carry out the initial review process which is reported. Like the formal reporting requirements. For example, the name and the suitability of the signature on the KTP,” he said.

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Furthermore, added Azhar, his party will conduct a study concerning the suspected incident and adjusting the evidence. “Regarding the evidence, we saw some photos earlier. The video is not yet,” he said.

For this initial study process, said Azhar, it would take about two days. “If there is a shortage of report files, there will be a return of the report files,” he said.

Anang Fadhilah