The Selection Team Opens Registration for Candidates for Chair of the South Kalimantan IMI

BANJARBARU – The selection team has opened registration for candidates (balloons) for the Chair of the Indonesian Motor Association (IMI) of South Kalimantan for the period of 2022-2026.

“Registration for balloons for the Head of IMI South Kalimantan has been opened since Tuesday (25/1/2022) and closed on Friday (21/2/2022). The registration form, including details of the requirements, is taken at the South Kalimantan IMI Secretariat or through coordination with the balloon screening team,” said the head of the balloon selection team, the Chairperson of IMI Kalsel, Akhmad Rohidi SH M.Ad in a written statement received, Tuesday (25/1/2022).

The balloon selection team for the Chair of the South Kalimantan IMI, said Akhmad, was formed through the Selection Team Decree Number: 01/TPBCK/IMI-KS/I/2022 dated January 24, 2022 concerning the Mechanism of the Prospective Chair of the Indonesian Motorcycle Association (IMI) of South Kalimantan Province Period of Service 2022-2026Number : 01/TPBCK/IMI-KS/I/2022.

The selection team consists of Akhmad Rohidi as the head of the selection team and concurrently member, M Ramli Firdaus as Secretary and member, Ade Putra (IUTV Club) as Member, Baihaqi (SCOOTH Club) as Member and Mukhyar Ahmad (BEFC Club) as Member.

“The Provincial Conference (MUSPROV) of the Indonesian Motor Association (IMI) of South Kalimantan VIII – 2022 is planned to be held on 26-27 February 2022 (waiting for PP IMI approval) to take place in Banjarmasin City or Banjarbaru City (still alternative),” he said.

Akhmad said, in the IMI South Kalimantan MUSPROV in 2022, it is hoped that there will be figures and cadres who are able to actualize all IMI organizational programs and who are capable and able to improve organizational performance. As well as dynamic, energetic, and have integrity and commitment to the advancement of IMI South Kalimantan.

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“The selection team has accepted the registration of the prospective chairman of the Indonesian Motorcycle Association (IMI) of South Kalimantan Province for the 2022-2026 term of service with conditions. Registered as an ordinary member of IMI and have an IMI Membership Card (KTA) whose membership period is still active and valid,” he said.

Willing to sign the IMI Integrity Fact; Have sufficient commitment and time to lead the Provincial IMI; Have the vision, mission and sufficient knowledge to lead the Provincial IMI; Willing and able to be domiciled in the Provincial Capital and or the Capital of the South Kalimantan Provincial Government;

“Willing and obliged to implement and comply with AD, ART, MUNAS/MUNASLUB decisions, Organizational Regulations, Central Management Meeting Decisions, MUSPROV/MUSPROVLUB decisions, RAKERPROV decisions, and Provincial Management Meeting decisions,” he explained.

According to Akhmad, candidates are willing and able to promote IMI seriously in line with IMI’s AD ART and Organizational provisions. Willing and able to participate in the election of the Chairperson of the IMI South Kalimantan Province, not using methods that are less commendable (money politics) and if there are indications or proven then they are willing to resign and or be dismissed;

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Willing and able to provide a secretariat office/office, facilities and facilities for IMI South Kalimantan Province for a minimum period of use of 4 (four) years and must be feasible, representative, independent and located in the City of Banjarmasin and/or City of Banjarbaru, More about this source textSource text required for additional translation information Send feedback Side panels no later than the end of March 2022, and does not burden the IMI Cash for South Kalimantan Province; Not holding concurrent positions in the management of the IMI Organization,” he said.

Prospective Candidates are willing and able to make a Vision and Mission as a Prospective Candidate / Candidate for Chairperson of IMI South Kalimantan Province must be in line with IMI’s AD ART in writing and signed to be submitted to participants in the Plenary Meeting of MUSPROV IMI KALSEL VIII – 2022 within the framework of tasks, obligations and responsibility for advancing the IMI Organization in its position as a unifying, regulatory and supervisory regulator as well as fostering all sports activities and motorized vehicle mobility on a provincial and national scale;

“Must have written support at least 1/3 (one third) of the Club as a member of IMI South Kalimantan Province who has voting rights determined by the Central IMI. Prospective Candidates must obtain a recommendation from the club where the prospective candidate is registered as a member of the club; Willing and able to serve as Chair of the IMI of South Kalimantan Province until the management term ends,” he said.

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Willing and able to carry out and participate in organizational activities, as well as establish a harmonious and good cooperative relationship with IMI Management; The Candidates for the Chair of IMI South Kalimantan Province are willing to visit and have a dialogue with the Board of Trustees to convey the Vision and Mission if elected as chairman of IMI KALSEL for the period of 2022 – 2026;

The Candidates for the Chair of the IMI South Kalimantan Province as a result of verification from the Networking Team are willing to open dialogue and question and answer with the participants of the IMI KALSEL VIII MUSPROV -Year 2022; Willing and able to commit to give contribution/assistance to IMI South Kalimantan Province and the Club;

Willing and able to provide a Drug Free Certificate from the National Narcotics Agency or Hospital. Government, Certificate of Physical Health from RS. Government, and Police Records Certificate (SKCK), and the three letters stated to fulfill the requirements as a Candidate for Chairperson of IMI South Kalimantan Province for the 2022-2026 term of service;

Willing to provide a Curriculum Vitae/Curriculum Vitae, copy of ID card, and 2 (two) color photographs measuring 4×6 cm with a light blue background, wearing a white shirt and black coat;
Regarding other matters regarding requirements that are not yet clear, please contact the Networking Team directly.

Anang Fadhilah