West Sumatra ; Fined or Use Face Mask

West Sumatra Governor

West Sumatra – West Sumatra authority will implement penalty to people who violate health protocol. Penalty could be a fine or jail. Penalty will be included in a new local regulation and legalized in 11th of September

“Everyone who do not use face mask and did not follow health protocol out of home, will be caught. Better to caught stubborn people to save 5 million West Sumatra citizen from Covid-19” Irwan Prayito, West Sumatra Governor, said in coordination meeting of Covid-19 handling in Governor office (3/9) as writed by siberindo.co

In the end his duty as a governor, Prayitno said that objection to local regulation implementation is only in application of dicipline to follow health protocol to public. He implemented all efforts to mitigate Covid-19 from forming service rule, testing system, tracing, isolation, treatment, hospital readiness to care and cure patients.

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“We convinced that socialization of health protocol have been undestood by citizen. However same people tend to stubborn, do not want to use face mask and follow health protocol as anticipation of Covid-19 spread” Irwan said.

Consequently, it is important to enforce health protocol discipline by security authorities such as Police, National Indonesia Army and security guard. Governor hope to support from West Sumatra Police, National Indonesia Army and security guard

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Stubborn people will be governed orderly in order to save his self and others from Covid-19 spread. “We will open public space through mass media and social media massively. If needed, we will publish stubborn people in media”

Governor hoped that people still working and productive but safe from Covid-19 by following health protocol