Banjarmasin Does Not Have Poultry Slaughterhouse

Banjarmasin – Some poultry entrepreneurs hadn’t paid attention to the ban on slaughtering animals in urban areas. This emerged after a public report complaining of poultry slaughtering activities at Gang Sempurna RT 4, Banjarmasin, Wednesday (23/9/2020).

The report referred to the Food and Agriculture Service of Banjarmasin about two weeks ago and received an got response.

When confirmed to the Head of the UPT Slaughterhouse in Lingkar Selatan, Agus Siswadi, this problem is currently still being handled by his part and the Food Security Service.

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Even so, Agus did not deny the community complaints, for example about the smell of feces. The reason is, this is related to the RPH facility that he has managed along this year.

He admitted, actually slaughtering animals cannot be done in the community and must be done in the slaughterhouse. However, in fact, the RPH itself cannot accommodate the animals of dozens of poultry entrepreneurs in Banjarmasin. That is the reason for inadequate facilities.

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“The RPH is not able to accommodate poultry entrepreneurs, for reasons of facilities. We hope in the future this facility will be held, so it can accommodate all animal entrepreneurs who wish to slaughter,” he explained when met at the RPH, Thursday (9/24/2020).

For Agus, the current RPH is not a slaughterhouse but only a shelter. Because the tools and places for slaughtering animals are not yet in the RPH (specifically for poultry).

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“This is only an initiative to take wages for slaughtering poultry. Each poultry is asked to pay Rp. 2 thousand,” he said.

He was asked about the relocation of poultry slaughter at Sudirapi Market last year. Agus pointed out the relocation area. However, he again stated that the facilities were still basic.

Anang Fadhilah