Businessman Arsjad Rasjid, Whose Name is on The Political Radar

by: M Syarbani Haira, Chief Executive of the 1st Muktamar Rabithah Melayu Banjar, 2023

MUSRA, People’s Conference. The event from the Jokowi volunteer association throughout the archipelago. This event was held last March, in Jakarta. As a result, a number of names entered the political radar vortex, both as candidates for the Republic of Indonesia’s Presidential Candidates, as well as as candidates for the Republic of Indonesia’s Vice Presidential Candidates.


There are at least 4 (four) names that are included in the recommendations for candidates for the RI Presidential Candidates, this version of MUSRA. Each Prabowo Subianto (Minister of Defense), Ganjar Pranowo (Governor of Central Java), Airlangga Hartarto (Coordinating Minister for the Economy), and Sandiaga Uno (Minister of Creative Economy). Based on the results of the MUSRA panel, there is no name priority order, because the difference in good looks is slight. The four positions are the same, to be finalized by the political party entitled to nominate them according to the constitution.


Apart from that, there were a number of other names that had also surfaced, as candidates for presidential candidates. They include Anies Baswedan (Presidential candidate from the Nasdem Party), General Purn Moeldoko (Chief of Presidential Staff), Puan Maharani (Chairman of the Indonesian Parliament), and Riduan Kamil (Governor of West Java). This political figure must be eliminated, because the election version of MUSRA is not significant.


As for the Vice Presidential Candidates, there are 5 (five) figures, respectively: Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD, Head of KSP Moeldoko, Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Arsjad Rasjid, Minister of Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno, and Governor of West Java Ridwan Kamil. Actually, Chofifah Indar Parawansa (Governor of East Java) also joined


For presidential candidates, of the four names that have entered the political vortex, they are common names and are often discussed and proposed by many parties, especially their supporters. A number of surveys collect fluctuating data, but names like Ganjar Pranowo and Prabowo Subianto top the rankings.


Simultaneously, right at the end of Ramadhan 1444 hijriyah yesterday, Friday, March 23 2023, PDI Perjuangan appointed Ganjar Pranowo as a candidate for President of the Republic of Indonesia. It seems that the PDI Perjuangan deliberately took a sacred day, Friday the end of Ramadan, even Kartini’s day.


On the other hand, previously the Gerindra Party had also established Prabowo Subianto as its presidential candidate. This is apart from Anies Baswedan, who was appointed by the Nasdem Party from the start.


I think the parties that support Jokowi must take a stand as soon as possible, so that there are no divisions between them, as has been done by Nasdem. As good citizens, these figures will be relieved if there is a “joint decision”. For this matter the leaders of political parties please deliberation.

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Political Transition Preparation


If the affairs of the nominees for president of the republic of Indonesia are to be decided and determined by the leaders of the political parties, for the affairs of the nominees for vice president, it is best if this is heard from civil society circles. If this happens, there will be synergy and collaboration, as well as contributions between political parties and civil society circles, or the general public who have been supporting every movement and need for political parties.


Therefore, in my opinion, all elements and interest groups should not remain silent. It is better for all elements to speak out, to propose who is more suitable to be a candidate for vice president, accompanying presidential candidates who come from political parties.


That way, at least there is an interest group element that has involvement, emotion, and responsibility. God willing, they will feel represented. Whether you’re satisfied or not, that’s a matter for later. Do not be sentenced before an incident occurs.


For me personally, 2024 tomorrow is an era of political transition and regeneration. It was at this simultaneous election event that the figures from the 1970s and 1980s generation would end their work and dedication. Because after 2024, there will be a regeneration revolution, in which figures who have been poor in the world of politics and bureaucracy, both in the regions and at the center (national level). After all, after 2024, Jakarta is no longer the axis of politics and power. Because starting in 2024, the axis will gradually move to PPU, East Kalimantan. The implications of this phenomenon, it is possible, will be the emergence of many new political and bureaucratic new comer figures, from outside Java.


With the Idealist Generation


Especially after 2024, the Y and Z generations and other millennials, whose number could reach more than 65%. The characteristics of this group, too, have changed considerably. They are more independent, have integrity, full of idealism, even more moral. This includes general and regional head elections, the “basket” capital, which has often colored it, will no longer be valid. They prefer candidate leaders and representatives of the people who have integrity, are visionary, and care for the nation and state.


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It is in such a situation that the results of the upcoming 2024 presidential election for the vice president become urgent and final. Of the names recommended by Jokowi’s MUSRA volunteers, all of them are great people. However, some of them are old players, and also members of the senior generation, such as Moeldoko and Mahfud MD. In fact, along with the shift in demography in this country, starting in 2030, this republic will receive the mandate “demographic bonus”. Today alone, the Y and Z generations have crossed paths in a number of business, political, government, academic, and so on institutions.


Moeldoko, Mahfud, Uno, Kamil and Chofifah currently and previously have held a number of important and various positions. Only Arsjad Rasjid (AR) recently appeared. That too through the business world, as General Chair of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Since its appearance in public, AR has received applause and positive responses everywhere. What’s more, his ideas and ideas, both as a businessman and as a leader in business world organizations, show his concern for the common people.


He is friendly, populist, and willing to talk to commoners. I proved this myself, when he agreed to attend the Banjar Malay Rabithah Conference in Tanjung, Tabalong Regency, the northernmost area in South Kalimantan 5 days before Ramadhan 1444 Hijriyah. AR doesn’t even hesitate to follow the culture of the Banjar people, chatting in the stalls, as Banjar people usually do. Not only that, he treated all the residents in the shop. This populist communication pattern is also reflected when he is giving a lecture, as I have personally witnessed, both in front of the Banjar Malay Rabithah Muktamirin, as well as when giving remarks at the inauguration of the regional KADIN, also during events at Gelora Bung Karno, and so on.

Moeldoko, Mahfud, Uno, Kamil and Chofifah currently and previously have held a number of important and various positions. Only Arsjad Rasjid (AR) recently appeared. That too through the business world, as General Chair of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Since its appearance in public, AR has received applause and positive responses everywhere. What’s more, his ideas and ideas, both as a businessman and as a leader in business world organizations, show his concern for the common people.


He is friendly, populist, and willing to talk to commoners. I proved this myself, when he agreed to attend the Banjar Malay Rabithah Conference in Tanjung, Tabalong Regency, the northernmost area in South Kalimantan 5 days before Ramadhan 1444 Hijriyah. AR doesn’t even hesitate to follow the culture of the Banjar people, chatting in the stalls, as Banjar people usually do. Not only that, he treated all the residents in the shop. This populist communication pattern is also reflected when he is giving a lecture, as I have personally witnessed, both in front of the Banjar Malay Rabithah Muktamirin, as well as when giving remarks at the inauguration of the regional KADIN, also during events at Gelora Bung Karno, and so on.

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His ideas are also very intertwined with the interests of the people at large. The President Director of PT Indika Energy is known as a business mentor for Indonesia’s younger generation. He is also very concerned about the economic growth of the archipelago and other Asean regions. His sincerity in working for economic growth, can be seen from the policy in leading KADIN, as well as the concrete steps that always bring together various elements, all of which are solely for the progress of the Indonesian state.


It seems that there is a symbiosis with President Jokowi’s big intention, who is also pure to advance this country, welcoming Indonesia for a Century. Jokowi’s resistance to capitalist countries like the United States, which insist on processing their own natural resources such as nickel, is also in line with the ideas of AR.

If Jokowi’s volunteer MUSRA has decided, it’s good that other elements of the nation deserve to support it. If this support exists and emerges, then political parties will adjust accordingly. The future leadership of the Indonesian state in 2024 is very determinant for several things.


First, to continue the big ideas and ideas that have been built by Jokowi, including the transfer of the IKN. Second, there are ideas and willingness to modify these ideas and ideas, which are more swooping, more real for the interests of the nation and state, as well as the people of Indonesia, as a sovereign nation.

The entry of AR, a businessman whose higher education he studied in California, United States of America, into the radar of the political vortex as a result of Jokowi’s volunteer MUSRA throughout the archipelago, is quite encouraging. This should be taken into consideration by actors in politics, business and other civil society. This thought alone, so that Indonesia in the next century, will actually bring this country into the 4 (four) major countries in the world in the next 25 years. If this is in line, then AR can become a kind of center point for (political) regeneration for the 4th largest country in the world. Wallahu a’lam bissawab !
