Member of Bandung District Parliament ; Omnibus Law of Job Creation is Against Constitution Spirit

Maulana Fahmi - Parliament Member of Bandung District

Soreang – Head of Commision D of Bandung District Legislative, Maulana Fahmi, asserted that draft bill of Omnibus Law Job Creation againts with UUD 1945 as Indonesia constitution especially about welfare, labour right or worker and environmental conservation

“A lot of articles in draft bill of Job Creation against constituonal spirit. That is why, personally and PKS (Social Welfare Party) nationally and Bandung District against validation draft bill of Omnibus Law” Fahmi asserted, Wednesday (07/10) in Soreang, Bandung District, West Java

Fahmi appreciated labour movement in all Indonesia including Bandung District who refuse Bill of Job Creation. “Demonstration action is natinal right but must be orderly not anarchist and keep away from Covid-19 transmission” Fahmi reminded

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Fahmi asserted that bill draft of Omnibus Law validated in 5th October invited a lot of questions because discuss in a rush and unfair. However, people especially labour, should have apportunity to give sugestion and correction toward draft being discussed. Do not make validated bill draft will against constituion norms in Indonesia. “Need time to absorp information and suggestion from all stakeholders. Do not rush because the impact is extremely wide” Fahmi said

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Fahmi added that subtantion of Job Creation bill is easing business and investation. “We appreciated it but there are a lot of things have to critize. Technically we are in Covid-19 period and people opportunity to give suggestion, correction or perfection is limited enought and validated suddenly. We see a hurry steps and worried less accurate steps and had wide impact to our nation life” Fahmi explained

Draft Bill of Job Creation is not accurate in apprehention situation such as severance pay formulation that only see in helplesness of employer without seing to average duration of employee. Many parties concluded the Job Creation Bill was detrimental to labour or worker and on the other side was profitable to employer

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Moreever, Bill has potention for damaging environment because investation liberation without considering environment conservation. This condition will be getting worst because the absence of monitoring and law enforcement

“Yesterday, we see less of controlling in land use change cause flood and environmental damage. Our worry is getting bigger with Job Creation bill” Fahmi closed