Money Politics for the 2020 Pilkada Still High

Banjarmasin – Anthropologist Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM), Setia Budhi Drs H Setia Budhi MSi PhD, assessed that the practice of money politics has the potential to increase in the 2020 Pilkada because it is held in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.

In the midst of this pandemic condition, the people’s economy is not good, so the potential for money politics can also be high compared to the conditions in the previous regional elections. There is a relationship between economic conditions and, for example, the giving of money to candidates who will fight in the Pilkada.

“That the Covid-19 pandemic has reduced people’s income. In fact, there are not a few who have lost their jobs or layoffs, so that the practice of money politics in the 2020 simultaneous regional elections is predicted to increase, “he said Saturday (5/9/2020).

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Budi said, money politics during the pandemic could occur in the form of distribution of money, distribution of groceries and distribution of vouchers. Assistance of medical devices, personal protective equipment (PPE) against covid-19.

“Therefore it is the responsibility of political parties and society. If people say they don’t want to accept, for example, the dawn attack, that’s a form of culture to reject the practice of money politics, “he said.

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The importance of early prevention of the potential for money politics, Bawaslu’s role is getting stronger and the community is also important to build an anti-money politics integrity zone. Because after all, the political practice of money will remain a burden on the voters. So when we get rid of money politics, it means we want to get rid of corrupt practices in state administration. anang