PBSI Daily Chairperson of South Kalimantan becomes the Head of the Candidate Selection Team for the Head of Central PBSI

Banjarmasin – There were interesting things ahead of the stage of the National Conference (Munas) for the Central Board (PP) of the Indonesian Badminton Association (PBSI). It turns out that Banjarmasin City people are trusted as the head of the selection team for the general chairman of the Central PBSI for the 2020-2024 period.

Who else if not, H Edi Sukarno SH, who is none other than the Chief Executive of the PBSI Provincial Board (Pengprov) of South Kalimantan who is also the Legal Commission for the Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI) South Kalimantan.

Currently, H Edi Sukarno, who serves as the Organization and Institutional Division of the Central PBSI, is making preparations for The PP PBSI National Conference (Munas) that was held on 5-6 November 2020 in Serpong, Tangerang, Banten.

“It is an honor for South Kalimantan, one of the Banua people has a big enough role at the national level. Especially for the badminton world in Indonesia, where H Edi Sukarno is trusted as the head of the selection team for the general chairman of the PBSI Pusat for the next four years,” said the Advisory Council of South Kalimantan PBSI, Geman Yusuf to indonesiatoday.co, Monday (19/10/2020) in Banjarmasin.

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The figure of H Edi Sukarno among South Kalimantan badminton, he continued, is no stranger. While accompanying Anton Gunadi, many programs and breakthroughs have been made in advancing and developing badminton in the regions. Among the ideas that have been running, the Provincial Championship (Kejurprov) twice a year.

“Only badminton holds Kejurprov twice a year, inter clubs and individual groups,” explained this well-known South Kalimantan advocate.

In fact, continued the former Chairman of the Indonesian Dance Sports Association (IODI) South Kalimantan, H Edi Sukarno often gave suggestions and input when attending the National Conference of PP PBSI.

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“With various bright ideas, H Edi Sukarno who is also a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Lambung Mangkurat University, was finally summoned to join the management of the Central PBSI,” said the owner of the Sari Patin Restaurant, Banjarmasin.

Meanwhile, Edi Sukarno, the Head of the Selection Team for Candidates for the General Chairperson of PBSI 2020-2024, said that his team had carried out the stages of the selection process, including socialization to provincial administrators (Pengprov) as voters in the election for the general chairman. The socialization was held on October 1-16.

“We have sent a circular to all provincial officials to inform them that they have voting rights,” explained Edi, which explaining that there are 34 pengprov in Indonesia. However, two provincial administrators do not have voting rights, namely the Central Kalimantan and North Sulawesi Provincial Pengprov, which have just changed their management.

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Then, the stages of entering the registration form for prospective general chairman (17-21 October) are followed by file return (October 22-26), file examination (October 27-30), which leads to the determination of the candidate for chairman who passes (October 31-November 4).

Regarding the candidate for chairman, Edi stated, the requirement to register is to have the support of at least 10 provincial officials. On the other hand, the name sticking out to become the number one person in PBSI, namely the Chairman of the Indonesian Audit Board, Agung Firman Sampurna.

Some time ago, the Head of DKI Jakarta PBSI Provincial Pengprov, Alex Tirta said that 26 PBSI provincial officials supported Agung Firman Sampurna to replaces Wiranto as General Chair of PBSI 2020-2024.