Traveling 7,000 Kilometers, JKW of the Indonesian Journalists Association Arrives in South Kalimantan

After traveling approximately 7,000 kilometers since they first departed on October 28, 2021, from the Press Council Building, the PWI Nationality Exploration of Journalists (JKW) team finally arrived in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, Tuesday (21/12/2021).

The team that rode 4 motorbikes and was crewed by Agus Blus Asianto, Indrawan Ibonk, Sonny Wibisono and Yanni Krishanayani arrived after traveling from Central Kalimantan. Their arrival was a little later than scheduled due to weather problems.

“South Kalimantan is the 14th province that we have visited,” said Agus Blus Asianto who represented his colleagues when interviewed by the media crew. He also explained that the purpose of this activity was to see Indonesia with all its natural, culinary and cultural beauty from a motorbike. The results of their exploration will later be poured into an article which will eventually be recorded with the theme “Explore Indonesia”.

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“Our journey covers a total of 17,000 kilometers, 5 large islands, 34 provinces and 7 highest mountains in Indonesia. And it ends at the peak of the 2022 HPN in Kendari,” he said.

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When asked about the obstacles encountered during the trip, Agus said there were no significant obstacles so far, everything was still going as planned. “Most of the problems are weather, road conditions and a few technical problems. Apart from that, everything is fine,” he added.

Meanwhile, the Chairperson of the South Kalimantan PWI, Zainal Helmie, who welcomed them, said he saluted and appreciated their struggle in exploring Indonesia by motorbike. According to him, the moment of their arrival is a good opportunity for South Kalimantan to introduce tourism and culture to be explored from the perspective of journalists.

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“The results of their exploration will later be published and distributed to journalists throughout Indonesia who are members of PWI,” he said. He hopes that South Kalimantan will also benefit from their visit to Bumi Lambung Mangkurat. In Banjarmasin later the team will visit a number of places such as the Lok Baintan Floating Market, Sultan Suriansyah Mosque, Pulau Kembang and several other tourist areas.

Anang Fadhilah