South Kalimantan Develops Forest-Based Tourism Industry

Mountains Meratus South Kalimantan

Banjarmasin – South Kalimantan Province covers an area of 37,530.52 km² with a population of nearly 4.2 million. This province has 11 districts and 2 cities, starting to prioritize regional development no longer relying on exploitation of natural resources in the mining sector. But it has turned to renewable and sustainable economic sources, including the development of a forest-based tourism industry.

There are dozens of forest tourism which are now being developed in the form of environmental services by involving village communities or forest communities. This tourism forest is spread across the Sultan Adam Forest Park (Tahura) and nine Forest Management Units (KPH) in the South Kalimantan region.

Some of the tourism forests that are quite developed and able to become the mainstay tourism objects of the area include the peaks and valleys of Kahung, Sungai Luar, Belangian, Rusa Island and Bekantan Island which are in the Sultan Adam Tahura area. Then there is Mount Birah in the KPH Tanah Laut area, Mount Mamake in KPH Kotabaru, Ajung Village and Marajai Village in KPH Balangan as well as Haratai Village and the Malaris Traditional Hall in the Hulu Sungai KPH.

“The development of a tourism forest is part of the Green Revolution concept which is expected to be able to improve the economy and welfare of rural communities or around forests,” said Nurul Fajar Desira, Head of the Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) of South Kalimantan Province, Tuesday (20/10) in Banjarmasin.

Fajar, who is also Head of the Meratus Mountains Geopark Management Agency, said the Green Revolution program was one of the efforts to conserve forest areas, especially the Meratus Mountains. “Besides tourism forests, South Kalimantan has an earth park or Meratus Mountains Geopark which has the status of a national geopark,” he said.

The construction of a geopark is one of the efforts of the South Kalimantan Provincial Government to protect the Meratus Mountains from damage. So far the South Kalimantan Provincial Government has registered the Meratus Mountains Geopark with UNESCO so that it can be recognized as an International Geopark or Unesco Global Geopark (UGG).

Tahura Sultan Adam Mandiangin is also included in the Meratus Geopark geosite area. “In this area, tourists can enjoy the beauty of Mandiangin peak. Which is dubbed the land above the clouds. With natural panoramas, its beauty is no less than natural tourism in other areas,” said Ainun Jariyah, Head of UPT Tahura Sultan Adam.

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The functions and benefits of Tahura are quite a lot.Including preserving forest areas and ecosystems as well as maintaining a collection of biodiversity, both flora and fauna. Tahura Sultan Adam Mandiangin offers an unspoiled natural exoticism of Kalimantan, covering an area of 112,000 hectares in two districts, namely Banjar and Tanah Laut.

On the other hand, the Developing Village Index (IDM) in South Kalimantan has experienced a sharp increase, which is indicated by the continuing decline in the number of underdeveloped villages and the increase in developed villages. The decline in underdeveloped villages also correlates with a decrease in the poverty rate in South Kalimantan. Which is now in the third position of the smallest poverty rate in Indonesia.

South Kalimantan Province is an area known for its rich natural resources, especially mining. Mining materials found in the South Kalimantan region consist of energy minerals, metal minerals, and industrial minerals.

Mining materials such as coal and iron ore are superior commodities, that make the mining sector one of the leading sectors in supporting the economy of South Kalimantan. Apart from coal and iron ore, South Kalimantan is also known as the largest diamond producer in Indonesia. Diamond panning and rubbing can be found in Martapura City, Banjar Regency.

South Kalimantan Natural Resources


1. Coal
Coal exploitation in South Kalimantan is carried out by companies belonging to the PKP2B (Coal Mining Exploitation Work Agreement) and IUP (Mining Business License) groups. The number of PKP2B mining operations in 2013 was 13 companies, while the number of IUPs operating mining was 160 companies.

South Kalimantan coal production in 2013 was 162,952,196 tons, consisting of PKP2B coal production of 101,234,960 tons and IUP coal production of 61,717,236 tons. The locations of coal deposits in South Kalimantan are in the districts of Tanah Laut, Tanah Bumbu, Kotabaru, Banjar, Tapin, Hulu Sungai Selatan, Balangan and Tabalong.

2. Petroleum
The potential for petroleum in South Kalimantan is in Tabalong Regency. This potential is being explored and exploited by PT Pertamina Business, Exploration and Production Unit (UBEP) Tanjung with working areas such as Tanjung Raya, Murung Pudak, Central Warukin, South Warukin, East Tapin, Tanta and Kambitin with an average production of 4,000-4,500 barrels per day.

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1. Gold
The potential for gold in South Kalimantan is in Tanah Bumbu Regency with 11,250 tons. Kotabaru with 25,289 tons and Hulu Sungai Tengah with 67,500 tons.

2. Iron Ore
The potential for iron ore mining in South Kalimantan is in Tanah Laut Regency with 185,667 tons. Tanah Bumbu for 593,800,000 tons. Kotabaru for 510,633,000 tons. Tapin for 625,000 tons and Balangan for 5.062,900 tons.

With the issuance of the Mineral and Coal (Minerba) Law which regulates the prohibition of exporting a number of minerals before processing (including iron ore), a number of smelter factories (processing iron ore into sponge iron) were established in South Kalimantan.

The smelter project with a capacity of 315,000 tons / year. Which is being worked on by PT. Aneka Tambang together with PT Krakatau Steel by forming a joint venture company named PT. Meratus Jaya Iron & Steel in Simpang Empat District, Tanah Bumbu Regency is the first to operate in South Kalimantan.

In addition, there are 2 more companies working on smelter projects, PT. Sebuku Iron Lateritic Ore (capacity 1 million tons / year) on Sebuku Island, Kotabaru Regency and PT.Delta Prima Steel (capacity 100,000 tons / year), located in Jorong District, Tanah Laut Regency.


1. Diamond
Diamond panning is one of the hereditary livelihoods, especially in Cempaka District, Banjarbaru City. Which is the largest diamond-producing area in South Kalimantan. Miners usually dig in groups to dig holes at a depth of ± 10-12 m using traditional tools and old methods. The mineral is then washed to look for a diamond. Sometimes miners find agate and gold sand.

The diamonds found were then taken to Martapura to be cleaned and scrubbed. In the heart of Martapura City, there are many houses where diamonds are rubbed traditionally and modernly. The diamonds were rubbed into various shapes and then made into rings, bracelets, necklaces, and earrings.

2. Chromite
Chromite is the only mineral that is a source of metal chromium. This mineral has a chemical composition of FeCr2O3. The chemical composition of chromite varies widely because there are other elements that influence it. Based on the Cr: Fe comparison, chromite can be divided into three types, namely: chromite rich in chromium, rich in aluminum and rich in iron.

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Chromite is widely used for anti-rust alloys, giving a glossy finish for the manufacture of stainless steels, steel alloys, cast steel and cast iron, as a catalyst in leather tanning, etc. In South Kalimantan, chromite is found in Tanah Laut Regency with a potential of 235,620 tonnes.

3. Marble
The potential for marble in South Kalimantan is found in Tanah Laut Regency of 2,660,840 tons. Tanah Bumbu of 334,250,000 tons. Kotabaru of 23,930,000 tons. Hulu Sungai Selatan of 90,105,599 tons. Hulu Sungai Tengah of 1,054,442,500 tons. Balangan 2,348,785,410 tons and Tabalong 1,455,652,000 tons.

4. Limestone
The potential for limestone in South Kalimantan is found in Tanah Laut Regency of 116,800,000 tons. Tanah Bumbu of 5,754,148,125 tons. Kotabaru of 19,087,343,687 tons. Tapin of 462,466,950 tons. Hulu Sungai Selatan of 2,990,178,132 tons. Hulu Sungai Tengah amounted to 110,000,000 tons. Balangan amounted to 488,643,307 tons and Tabalong amounted to 12,966,901,972 tons.

5. Quartz Sand
Quartz sand in South Kalimantan is found in several districts, such as Tanah Laut amounting to 23,868,643 tons, Tanah Bumbu for 693,750,000 tons. Kotabaru for 155,552,500 tons. Tapin for 927,500 tons. Hulu Sungai Selatan amounting to 122,656,250 tons. Balangan for 2,757,731,300 tons and Tabalong 195,000 tons.

In industrial activities, the use of quartz sand has developed widely, both as a main and additional raw material. As the main raw material, it is used in glass, cement, tile, ceramic mosaic, etc. Meanwhile, as an additional material, it is used in the cast industry, petroleum industry and mining, refractory bricks, etc.

6. Kaolin
The location of kaolin deposits in South Kalimantan is located in Banjar Regency of 10,233,023 tons. Tanah Bumbu of 100,000 tons. Tapin of 7,765,000 tons. Hulu Sungai Utara of 988,000 tons and Balangan of 12,037,750 tons. Kaolin used as a material for making porcelain or for mixed materials to make woven fabrics (paper, rubber, medicines, toothpaste, cosmetics, etc.).

Investment opportunities can be made in the mining sector in South Kalimantan, are mining and trading of coal and diamonds in locations that have the potential for these minerals.

Anang Fadhilah/Arum Sari