BANJARBARU – Kejurprov Drag Race and Drag Bike Chair of the South Kalimantan IMI Cup which took place at the South Kalimantan Governor’s Office Courtyard on Saturday and Sunday (1-2/10) received appreciation and praise.
The racing event for the trophy of the Chairman of the Indonesian Motor Association (IMI) of South Kalimantan attracted the interest of racers outside South Kalimantan, and there were even participants from Jayapura and other big cities in Indonesia.
“We appreciate this event, hopefully it will be used as a permanent calendar for IMI South Kalimantan. In addition, this event is able to produce racing talent in Banua,” said Aliansyah, one of the community leaders in Banjarmasin, after watching the drag bike and race event on Sunday (2/10/2022).
Aliansyah said, through the event held by IMI South Kalimantan, of course, it became a spark for racing sports and growing sport tourism (sports tourism) in South Kalimantan. “The impact of the small business sector is also a blessing. MSMEs are also stretching and growing,” said this property entrepreneur.

Based on field observations, the event which was opened by the Governor of South Kalimantan, who was supervised by assistant 3, was lively and lively. The public’s interest in watching the racing action in the yard of the South Kalimantan Governor’s Office was also seen a lot. Even the various culinary and beverage stands that were lined up neatly in the South Kalimantan Governor’s office complex, Jalan Trikora, looked crowded.
Hundreds of racers looked enthusiastic. 20 classes of drag races were prepared, ranging from 1,300cc modified stock, 1,500cc pro modified, to 2,500cc 4-cylinder sedan with a total prize of Rp. 150 million.
While at the drag bike level, 23 classes were competed, such as the duck tune up 4T 130cc open, sport 2T 155cc open, to automatic tune up 200cc with a total prize of Rp. 150 million.
“This is an award for me, considering that there are quite a lot of participants. Although I did not receive a special invitation, the race was also participated by drivers from Jayapura,” said Edy Sudarmadi, Chairman of IMI South Kalimantan.
Not only meeting the thirst of racers who have lost their means of competition due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Kejurprov Drag Race and Drag Bike also has a positive impact on other sectors.
“We want every automotive activity to also stimulate the MSME economy. That’s why we also embrace several MSMEs to enliven the activities,” said Edy.