Jakarta – Aceh Government hope to surveilance team of special authonomy from House of Representive to expand special authonomy fund for Aceh
The Crowd is Forbidden in Christmas and New Year Holiday
Jakarta – Anticipating Covid-19 soaring, government decided to prohibit crowding at public space in Christmas and New Year holidat. Decision took in
33 Sport Types Will be Compete in Aceh Sport Week Competition
Banda Aceh – There are 33 type of sport will compete in Aceh Sport Week XIV/2022 in Pidie will be defined and
West Papua Covid Taskforce : Education Taskforce Must be Really Ready to Offline Education
Manokwari – West Papua Taskforce for education ough to realy ready to prepare him self in applied face to face education in
Yan Imbab-Niko Ronsumbre Leading in Supiori Election
Biak – Yan Imbab and Nichodemus Ronsumbre lead in gaining voters temporary at regional election for Regent and Vice Regent of Supiori
500 Aid Packages From Industrial and Trade Office for Affected Communities by Covid-19
Ambon – Trade and Industrial official office of Maluku Province gave groceries package for affected communities, Friday (11/12) in Governor office Giving
West Sulawesi Attorney Office Examine Coffee Seed Procurement Contractor in Jakarta
Mamuju – West Sulawesi Attorney team examine corruption case of million coffee seeds or expanding coffee field at Agriculture and Plantation office
Police Arrested Two Couriers With Two Kilogram of Crystal Meth
Nunukan – Nunukan Police perform press confrence to reveal criminal act of drug for about 2 Kilograms crystal meth smuggled from Tawau
Government Province Involve Hoodlum For Changing Signpost Name of Lombok International Airport
Praya – Tenth of young man of Lombok International Airport (Bandara Internasional Lombok/BIL) are gourding around airport entrance circle, Saturday noon (12/12)
Sarminten Food Stalls : Ordered by WhatsApp and Rica-Rica Entok Will be Sent to Your Home
Kulonprogo – Sarminten food stalls, one of cullinary food stalls for Sukoponco citizen at Sentolo-Kulonprogo. Sidik Hidayat (37), the owner of Sarminten
Jumantik, Environment Free Larva Program in Kebumen
Kebumen – Village of Tambakagung government run survailance pogram for larva development by deploying larva obersever officers (Jumantik-red). Jumantik program run eight
Sampang Regent Angry to His Superior, Province Official
Sampang – Flood at Sampang District in Madura island of East Java Province made Sampang Regent, Slamet Junaidi, angry to Province official